Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

'llmJr»4J1ae1ntl4t. 2 7 !todies.pure and-vndefiled. But ifthat all thefe meanes be– inG vfed faithfully,thefe lulls ·will not yet bee fo ouerceme, b:r Hill arife aad Llill ouerburden the hart,and fet it on fire with il defires,and the fldhwil not be tamed, then one mufl: feeke the remedy,ofmariage,~nd pray to God to giue him a rneetyoake-felJow;and thenwemayIo~k that Godwil cer... tainJy heare o~u requefls. ~or, when-we hauedone our inde– uour to beatedown our 'fldh,andyet cannot fo ouercome ir, but that we fiarid in need of an help.thii way>thenGod hath· called vs to the ellateofmatrimony;an ~r as hehath giuen vs · a call ing, fo we may hope that hewill. giu~ vs fuch a one,as lhal be a comforter to 'vs,and an help'er bothfo~· thislife,.and " the lifeto come~ And fo much for inwardbreacn. · Theoutward breachofthis Command'ement hath many~:~~~~~ branches. B!.lt the chiefe arecomprehended by the ApoHle, this com: Gal.; .r9• where he faith, ThefruitJ· ofjlefoareadultcry,form-mandemct. cation, vnclcannes, wantonnes. Thefe are thechiefeoutwar«l breaches ofthis ·commandemcnt. And firll , for adultery ': Adulterl$. That is coinmitted, when either party oftet:'Jding is either mariedor contratled : for,ifhc be either ioynedby mariage or contrael,thatcomtnits theatt)then it is adultery.This is i very high breachofthi-s commandement-»becaufe they lorelll( thecouenant ofGod. For when they come together in either Prou.l.f?'· -ofthefeknots,they bind themfelues bycouenant not onelie ·one with a~other,but to God bimfelfe(th:n hath appointed theordinance) that they wil faithfulJy and truely keep their fideliticone to the.other:and therefore iftheydeale vnchaGJy)t is not onely:vniullly done in regardofthemfclues,but 'they forfeite t-heir bond toGod, euen .to thehazard ·oftheir faluation,and prouokehis curfe,both on the {oule andbody .. And this exceedingly aggrauates the fin of~'dulcerers, That hauing come in the fight o(God, andbefore menandan... ,gels, to make a couenant,, and there theface,and by the voiceofthecongregation,craueda bleffing of God vp– A>ll their proceedings)they abufeGod, Angels, men and all, bybrea:kin,gtb~it couenant inp~Huting their bodies,dire6l: ... Jycontrarie tq th~ folen1ne vowe which t~ey made vnto the· Lord. ' But