2 • Bttt;. how grieblou~, .and vile· a thing this isJthe ill effeCl:s . 1. that follow ofi.t,doe declare. The firtt is fet downe, Prou. ~F~frt~es )'• I I .• It confumes the Jlefh and the body. It is a fire in the fl l..H.e y b · b d f~ · d · bl d' r r. ·onl!s,tt: ree es retmg an mcura e uea1es: that, as the . fin ne makes one lothfome in the fight of.God,fo the plaoue maymakehimlochfome in thefigntot:"!lJen. Ifonebe~fo _ audacioas as to breake-this couenant of God: though men forbeare to inflict y-deathvpon him, which by G-ods holy. Law is due vnto him (for by the lawofGod the adulterer is is as guilty.ofdeath as the wi~fullmurde-rer)yet God meetcs with him,andby fi.lthy.difeafes briAg.$ him t.q his deferued :~.~ end.._ Se,ondl¥, P.rou.6.z6~ .the bolyGhoft faithJit brings one to amorfe.ll ofbrea-d, that .is toextreamep~uenie. And {o Iob.1 I. I 2. faith of. this finne' Th~t this u· a fire which deuoures tod~(fruflion, and ~r. hieh wiNror;te outallour ificreafe:· this .will ·make fpoyle and hauocke .of·allthat a m-an hath.. 3 :_ Thirdly, it confumes not on~b~ - the goods-and body; but there is a further confumption -then all this-; he rhat dotni.r, dcflroyes his owne foule,'C).sSalomon faithPro.6.3,2. Feurth4:: ly,hegets a pe-rpetuall blot to his name, Prou.6.3 3. that hee iliall neuer b~able to:put :away, vnlelfe he doe truly repent,, and fo getit wafhed a'fXay·, by th~ blyod o(QhrHl,whicb.on– ly wil mak~ al cleane. But elf.e-hefhalh?ctue alwaiesa fhame– full n-ame, and-an ill report. All the braue appareJJ,all t~e. bribing and c;olouring i.n the world, will not cou~r this blot. ofthe: ~ame(and eHim'1t.ion-~ . Fot:, hejs a needle!fe thiefe,not: fieaHng.for.neceffitie~p,ut ofp:~efurqp~J!?»,~.l.ld: thc.refor.ed~f-erues no·pity. W-e fee:dbadfa theefe vpqn.neceffitie, as it feemeth to Rim(t.hou;g;h indeed.c#nq;nc;cefllty lhould makea man finne) do fild1or.Heale{rqm:h)spe_ighbours, men fi1eW· fome kind ofm,~_rcy, ,and · d.(}~·. n;A~ , ~ltog-ether fo.,much ab– horre it: but;yv})en one ha~b ~the· ~~me:f{ie, . ~nd ha.th ,pro, f-effed his-~hankf~~nes · t:Q. (igdfo~ l~h.h.elpe by marri~ge,a?.d yet l)otwtthAandJng all ;the~ g.oo.a ... !D.eanes to the contrane, will breake his couet1ant, be·e ts-u neetllelfe thcefe, hee lhal . finde t:lo.·rn~rQ.ie)bu~ r~ ~ de~~oy~s his foule, , ~tnd m.akes his ~ ' J1;~me to,Hip~e.am~f]gtil};en~iftly,lw th~t doth t~ommitadul-. •' u:ric)dochnot onelydefiroy his owne foule, but hee .4oth · . , .,... what.