uent what hecan to defiroy anQthers foule 2lfo,and fo to kill two. ~nonce : and in~ this regard this fimie i5 vvorfe then either theft or murder. For·if arheefe f.11ould firipa man ofall hee had,and (befides that) take away his lifeaifo, the tnan fo ' wronged ~ere not one whit the worfe ~an forall.this! b~t his foule mtght go<: to hcauen,afwell as 1fhehad dted m hts bed:b'ut he'Oirfhe,that entu;eth another to commit adulcery, tobbe's (_he p~rtie , c>f(~luation ,fc.> fa~.re as in them lies. For little doe thefeallurers know, whether cucr the other fl1all repent,or bee conuerted from this.finnee For this is fiu:h a wound,aslno Phy!1tian can layhis hand toheale ic, but the ·holyGhofl; no medecine cancure it, ·bu,pthe blood of the· ' ~~nne ofG~d.T,hjs.is not to fpoyle hl.s bodyof wealth and ·healt'h ondy~ hut euen the foule oflife and grace: and:this 'is the m ' ngrieuousfpoyle,and dangerou"sthat can becom.. n1itted. For.itho~1gh one fbould hurt and wound another: :yet· there ·were hape;_that ·one might . fin de fome s~ilfull t:hHu':giorr lto r tna~e . atl ~hole' ·againe: ·but ·hee that bath ·flrkken fo~ ~lrepelrinto tlwfoulc!2,nd confcience,. atid bath kindled the ·fire ofGods vengeance in the hart,howknowes he whether this {hall euer be he1led? And what a fearefutl tt~'irig' is .1t ·t'o · beiu}·intlrum{tnt to draw .another intohell,and :to incura'blt~ and e:nd1efl'e·miferie?.·. ; .: .~ i;. · . ~.t . .. Laflly' be,fi(fe~ :au ttlit-s,' ~n adulterer is 'a rh~ofe/by 1n~ Adultere~SI tru.~ing his cryilde into ~norher J!lans ·pofftffion. For,what are wickccl . ' rJ ~ • <.l' • •• ': b ' rr. '..r:J. h theeu••· --greater wrong or Inutgmue can e oner~ClltO a tnan, t en to hal)e !1!s patr1~o~!e, .. and all his labours·left to aballard, 'the feedof11is,morrall--enetnie?For ofall·men in the world., 'hewould 'be ·nioHvnwitling,( ifhee knewofir) to'beRow it on'him: much rather w.ould he giue·it ·to a£hanger whom he~ n~uer knew -before, then to one that had fo fhameful- 'ly ~bufed hifn; ·and could ·better finde in his heart :to leaue ·his goods ·Vnto a .Vlgarant ·begger; tncn to 'that baflard whom vnwittingly now hee feedeS'anddoathes, andvvh; :{hall cnioy all his,labour. Thus muchfo-r the curfed e.ffects ofadulterie. : Now-the vfethat wemu_(lmakeofrhis;is,That·6th it is fo ~oulea fi~~andyetourmuureis fUhieet to fallintoit(as Da... . · -· . :r if Nitl