uitf, ~fccr many correCtions ana humiliations, after maay · mtferJes and benefits, when hee ·was fomewhat growne in yeeres,3nd had the remedy alfo,yea andas the corruption of thofe times.w.as,had many wiuesJyet committed this fin ne) it lhould mooue vs to vie thofe meanes and preferuatiues that may keeke vs from it. For-,ifDauid rlid fall ineo it to his great woe,and to fame blotting alfo and bltmilhiog.o(his name,then we muH not be fecure and thinke our felues fafe. Now the meanes to make aman liue chaftly inmarriage,are ~:k~~! ,to thefe. Firll>ifthere haue been any fornication before mar.. ~iuech~fily r· age,know that this is a fecret poyfon that lurkes within, ~~manage·and ifit be not fiaye.d,itwill break~ OJ.It to adultrie. Therefore that fire muH be quenched by true.rep.entance, and fo it lhaU neuer Same out into further mifcriefe, ~lfe. it ·will certainelyhaue his vent: anold fornicator (,hall be a new a"' dultcrer. I meane by an old fornicator, fu~h a one, as hath. cotnmittcd fornication before mariage,without repentance: for he hath awilde:fire within, that will not keepe within lo'ng~ but .will make hin1 b.uf.ne in lufl, ·as faH ~s before. And it may bee faid of him,as Go a faid to Caine, t.hy1inne lyes at the doore; fo his otti fin ne lies at the doore readie to catd}.him: yea,it will let hitn h~uenop~ace,but,lies in wait~ hunts and purfues ~im,and m~etes him at c\]ery tun~e, til it ·... · ha.thbrought him to naught,v,nlefle he by re·pentance firLl ~ bring it to naught. < ~~~ ,, This thenmutlbe1:be firtl care,ifonehathbeen afornica– tpaebe· tor, To repent for:th~t. A.t\d thougb one haue not offen,;. twecnc d d h. ,.h ~ ll: k d br. .. ·h. .fc d yoak~ · fele · t ts way, yet : ee mu.n .. eep·e ajl · o.: a.erue t Js. econ lowe~ in tu le: Euerie married perfot'l muti.:labour fer pureand fer• ;~;~~e~ uent la~e to his yriake,..fcllow. As, Prou; s~ I8; bee ~ils ~r~:c.ba· mennot to follow a~ter the flrange wo.m·an. But h?w.lhal;l · · I chufe?he Cheweth tn the I 8;verfe : 'R.!Joyt:e '!2 Jhe wife ~{thy }fJHth,anddelight inh.er/oHecontim-Jt:tllie. lf married pe~fon~ get feruent and pure loue one to the o.the.r, thi's will k~cpe thetn Cafe•.For it is not hauin-g, of a wife, but the loui~g ofher that m·akes aman liue chafily: and it is not the ha– uing, but the louing of a husband that pteferues ~. vyo– man.from·. ·whoredome•. But iffhee .ha"chim,a~d yet hf}t~ .. , him,