Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

-him,and defpife him,(he is in danger euery day to bee defi– led. Feruent loue then mufl be fought for. Not fuch as flefh . can yceld; forth.,. natureoffldh is, as to bee violent before . madage/o tobe.readie after to, findoccalion.s ofiarres and . di£1ikes: but pure loue is a gift of God, and a fparke that · ·comes fwm heauen,and hath this venue to make aman liue ·· 4:halUy. Buc now ifone wil fay, furely I will neuer b~e an · .· adulter~r,yet for al that cares not for hise,wnewife,but con-.. temnei and defpifeth her,he hath no X\' arrant to fay fo: nay, , 'he takes the next way to bring himfelfe into the fi1ares ofa– dultery,by -this firfl breach ofa mofi principall dude ofma.. ~ riage, in that he doth not loue his wife. · · Another meanes to auoyd adultery,is fee downe inProu~· 2. · 2.8.16. Jf~nowledgeentcr into thine heart, and 'tr'ifodomt de.. ~~~~~~ord ; light thyfou!e, thenjba/1 it k.Jepe thee from thejlrange woman; prefe~ues · that flatttreth with her lips. Todelight then and reioyce in cha&~ty,, · the pure word ofGod, and to embrace it in ones heart,this, wiU fo fatisfie the minde, and content the foule withfweete comfort anddelight, as that one fi1al1 not neede to foJlow ,, the impure ~nd fouJ.e pleafuresofthe flelh,.that are contrary : to God and his word•.But ifwifedome enter not into thine ·· ~eart,luit will: and ifa man findeno reioycing,nor pleafure -.· in the word ofGod,he is'incontinuall danger to feeke plea.. .fure in thefe flefbly·and damnable lufls., that fight againfl _'~ .God,~nd againfi his owne foulc. For-no man can Hue with– ~uthis delight; and though it brea_ke not out flraight to the ·. ~aine finneof adulterie, yet it will b·egin withother vani-; . ·ti~s; and not ceafe,till it hath tracedone rhrcugh all the idle ·· and foolifhddights: and at length leaue him wallowing in· i ,this filthie &lothfome pleafure. For he that is not refrefl1ed .... -with fome pure and holy delights, will furdy .be carried j 'headlong to fome vn·godlypleafures .. ._ . ~· Thirdly)will we be -kept from thisfouleand monflrous fin? Agood . then we 'll)uft marke rheruleofSal"mon, Ecclef.7. 2 8;1find~- :a~/~:~~ ; mort6itterthedeath_the.woman,whofo hart·is IU netsandfo~t,.el, uedfrom · 4.ndher hand.r,a~ bands ~ . He thflt i.,·gaodllefort God,foallhede- ;:~~a~~ · - · '!iueredfromher,l1ut theJinntrfoallbe t~t.ktn hy her. He·· lhewes nowone may ~fcap~ the le'wd .woman,a}ldkeep himfelffree . · from ,i