Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

cmnm·4.nt.tement ~ . fromher fnares:; namelyr, Be a good man, walke .religioutlie Pro.• u.r4 and keepe.peace with God>elfe hee is in continuall daunger to be taken. He fl1ewes, whyGod-{uffers filrhy !humpets, and harlots to Iiue vpon yearth; namely-,that they may be a Iaile or prifon to wicked G£,ncrs, and,chaines, wherein to hamper all vngodly perfons: theybeas foulers:to catchhy– pocrites> that haueJlOtthe true fcare ofGod; that thole that be hateful!- to God.forother -fin-nes,m.ay be maJe.h.atefull to men for this fin ne. Fqr when men prouoke God by lln.nes that he~ hates as much, hut be le fie fubieet eo difgrace ·a- . tnongH men,.then he giues th~rn v,p ro thofe Gnnes,that may I. · ibam.e thern, and bring then:l ipto . cootempt .before .th_e worfd. And·ifls oot as ,mo!l m~nJay,Alas,hc was an.honefi man,till heflipt into this fau}r. No-: had he been hopeHbe- .fore;God_would uor haue deliucred-him vp to the povver of this vile ftnne now: But becaufe ne was wicked before,ther–·God pupiilieth fia with fin,.that hi-s inward wickednes might.appeare t.Q his greatter difgr.ace,:.he hath liued itrcligi– oufly .in ·the fidl (table, and now God invengeance giucs him oue-r,,t<:>liue.v:ndghte<:>ufly in the fccond. Thefe be ~he meaaes then to keepe one pure; namely,anvpdght life, that oneliuein no o.tbedin that brcakes offoeace .betwixtGod . . . ' l ' and him·; -and to takedelight-in thew~rd - ofGod ;.and .:vfe~~ good.mean~s to .geta,pure and feruent loue·to the yoake– fellow, and-topurge :out·by ,godly ~forrow that venii~1e ?f fornication, ifany hat~e been committed befor.e, that et re w0uld infeet the heart with adultery. For marriage canno~ kill former lull, o·niy repentance ca~l do that: and marriag~ is an.helpc to apenitent n1an, topreferue hi~ challitie for the time tocome. · . .But.nqw, ifon.ehauefallen int.oad~Ire~y., and broken the _ ;.coue.nant ofGod, th~re is no wa.y for himbut only one; e– .uen to confeffehis filtltie linne, andbeegrieued, and judge himfelfefor it,..and· lay bold on the meri!s ofChrtlt Iefus, ,crau~ God~ mercie; kn~wing that hee canas ..eafilyforgtue, ana the bloodofGhrifl canas eafily wafu a- . the higheHdegree {fo the perfon beepeni.. ~en_~) as.the leafi fpot of wantonnefiC:.. So much for ~he firtl . · ·· ··--- -· '- · -outwaxd.