4 . :-·-: naturall.Vnnaturall,with others,asSodomie pratlifed ofthe · · · Sodomites,c~ndemned,Rorn..I.27.when man withm11n Wflr• ~tbwic/zydnn,'\Vom4n with -woman commit vill4nic,orelfe that beailly fin,when men mingle them!elues with bea(ls. Thefe ·nature abhorres., and they·be commonly punHhments of fome other horrible wickednes, and follow a ve(y prophane and dead heart, snd are farre worfe and more horrible~t,hcR adult~rie. Theocher kinde ofvnnacurall vncleanneffe is by .ones fdfe. For one,by simfelfe alone, tnay defile his owne bodie in moA: filthie fort: which though it bemoll fecret · fromman,yet iiis abominable beforeGo·d, andoften God . brings it to light, by punifhing thofe, which haue vfed it, -with terrour ofconfcience,andhorrible feare in their minde:J or clfewith fi·enfie, and madneffe. Thefe punHhments haue often fallen vpon the pracbfers ofthis fin, and then all goes abroad, then they layopen, and vomit out all theidhatne~ ~ andhowfoeuer they feemed chafle andpurebefore,yet now Natura11 their filthineffe is brought to light. The fecond vndeanne{fe !~#e~anis betweenmarried people, either in theirentrance intoma– riage, or elfe in their proceeding andvfe ofit. Thevnclean– neffe in the entrance, is either ifotle marrieanother afa con– ·trary religion; as a Profeflor and a Chriflian to we~an A- ' -theift,or aPapift; their whole life fo led,till repenta~ce and ·Conuerlion·come,is vncleaqe& vnholie in the eyesofGod. :£:6ra.to.;. And therefore inE:z:.rll, thofe that had fo maried, were con– BrainedbyGod to put away both their wiucs and children as vncleane perfons and vnmeete plarlts to grow in aChri-. {lian familie. Alfo ifthofe marrie together, that be within the degrees ofconfanguinitie, or affinitie forbidden, they ·maycloake and lhift as long as they will, but they fhall ne– ··uer fhWt off the reproch and condemnation of being vn– <leaneperfoas beforeGod,fith they tnarrywith_out thewar– ,rant, yeacontrarie to the Commanden:lent of God. Alfo ·'thofe that marricwithout confentofparents, their m~rriagft is vnholy, and life ·vncleane, till theybe reconciled toGod ~y repentance, and to their parents by fubmiffion. Thefe :be the.pollutions in the entrance into thecllate of 1}13riage. tin thevfe ofit;vndeannefie~is committed. , · .'FirG,