Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. 29f ' fi,rfl in ' together at vnfeafonable times·: this Leuit.rf~.· \vas ac~ufe that made_the '~nd of Canaanvom'it our her in... ie~zit.;~~ habicants · becaufe they had no regard to' Gbferue lawfull IS. h _ , . h h G· d .J , .~3. times,but came togethert , en~-.w en · <> ·' ~tnu- nature rcqut- 10 , red thar they fhould forbear~ the mariag~e· -bed-!.and keepe thcmfelues ifthe-Lord did. tofdnf~Uy- p.J'agwe thefcheat he peopl,efor thi!(~nc~eannes_, \.cvhic 1 h-o-n!y ~ad . the· law ofnature-t.o'gtiidp•the·. how mu'ch·ni·orera_te th€ymdan- ~rofhis.heauie wrath) il)at haue been forewarn~d to auoid this finne) by his iudgein~~ts executed, both on ,theGen~ . tiles, and · on·the· It;~es-, -artd1_ a!fo by his written ~~r~~_And thiswas . tbA'·~e p~nilbed ~with death in ~C>t.h p~rtie·s:~n the _; 1" 1 ' old law·; becaofeby reafondfthe time an~d ·ma•~ner -of_fepa..: -~ .. 1 ration it might then bee more eafi1y d~fcerned. Alfo in.. ma-:· . riage, o~e ~ay deal~ vncleane.Iy~y excdfe, vnlel!e he care- · fully tlnueand pra-y-fol"temperance and moderation. For-aSk am-an may be a-wicked·dllankard withhis ownedrinke, and1 a 'glutton, ·by ·excdli'ue oououl:in~ of his~ owne ··meatcLfo.: . c~ -~ J,ikewife, one Vild'eane,in the imm-Odera·tev-fe.ef ~he" matiag·e bed., And this fjnne,;though the baa·d ofthe Magifiraie .cannot p.unilh it, yctrGod's 'hand ~ ofteit :;findes it! OU~i . , r and the childrendiuers times;p'W>ltC.monflrO\fS;taildUllffha-' 1 : •. .I·~ 1 d . ; r.. t pen, an leprous, ot idiots, ordfe vety:vngodlie' arid·flub.-. _borne. And thus God ·me'et-es' with thefe fecr:~t .finnes bt: iudgemenr;:when men will not beecarefullto:aueid thenl.;·. Gr to rnect.e:wit~tbem byi-rep.c-ntance, !vV hen they· at~fallen., into.them 1 · ·· • l : , ~ • • _·, . :- .~ •· • ~ -~ - ' f ' .J " ... • - -· .. ~· , ~. 1The la(l breach- oft-Fii~ : €omm-andement; is in W«ntotr..;;. nefie: whjch is the preparation and founda.tion for a1f the; f1>r~er; co_nf~Hinge!ther i~ things bdongingto~the bodie;' ~?'d_t·e.It ~elf~: Wanto.~n~~e ·in ·th,ings _b-efong-~og t<r , thebodtr')l:S lhewed m· co{f.l.y~ ap-p.rell.Ncbt that there ffiould· :rl~ ' . . not bee things fittings theefiaie;and that there were· not a· ' .. ,·:/' . ' diuer~tie of degrees tobe-· reg-arded :butin noeRate.or de.:.. - gree n~ay onecbe foexc.cffiue·;as·tohinderhin1felfe fro';oood; works. ofmercier~md religio.n;None fhouldbefiow f-o ~uch ~ · : ~ , time in.trimming the bo.dic, as he.can haue no·tim.efort:rim.a mirig: his~ule rnor, ~efio.~..~ ~udl-to1lin I'Ich·appar~li ~...__ ¥ ·.'!<•