om~m~tntten'Jen , as he can.fparelJothing to bellow ·on t~~ poore-Saints•. : wffi~!~r..-. · S~c.ondly;i~ .{lr~nge app;1reiJ.: ~~in ~eph.t;8·.rhe Princes, ;:rcl:~·:ap- the Kings Children are rcbuked,{or.that (hauingmo~emo– ney and ineighbours) they did not bellow h.1~ dQing any work.,e of rqerde to· the poore, or prouidit~g~ny. ·thing ofprofi.cfoj the.C9mmou-wea1cb, bu;t only in fc..cti_tl§-Qut t.qernfel:qesrby l~e~Jathions,that nonew. tri.cke 0( fq~lj·fb 1te~;~ice co.~l~re~~e: iV.p~b~t ·prefently they rnufl hatie it.. Y(a.,theypener thqught themfelues well,vntill theyw~re beginners offome new-fangled inuenr~ns,con.., cerniqgJbelr. ~ttire, that.o,the.r · folk~~ mightrlookeat .them:, an.d. J~Ll ~(t~r:,tfl'~m, And~ thefe ·kinde rof p,e.rfoo·s, h<>.w.leuet: tbeyfeenJ~fitie:itt ·thdr owne.yes)yet they\be filthie in .Gods eyes.t\lfo in exceffiu.e di~t,when wekeepenog~odmeafure 'in meate and dri~ke. For-one cannot lay on more fewell,~ut Jfay4·4· Wancan– netfein cliec. bee ih:al.l haue a·.grcateJ flamf.: .fo fluffing ~nes fdfe with· m~at.e a:o~. ddnk.e~,;wil'l make tbe:hear.t ·more outrag1ous inall Ier.s.!. euiU h.tflsa~·s·tl\e,f>ropbet'(~i(h,Tht) rift:vp f ull,t~~ul r hen they; n~igheJ. 4ffer their .neiJ,hbo.ur s: wiuel, ,M a hor ft .li frer·hi. 1tiate: tbis:is ahomelycompari.fon)yettheholy c;boHvfeth wattton . ir 1 to make .t.b.e l)nnemore loath.ffome! ·Alfo,iti exceffiue fl eeoi( ~~;:~ · pineffc andrJluggiJbneffe.;·whetl taman.lioes:. fo, a·i neither. theworld,not,th~pl~ce·whcte. b~ :liuesVhaUbe a~1y whi~ the · better for him,but:be.fpe·n:ds his .Hrfngth and his ·life in ·ea... tiog,drinkin.g, aiid;Oe-eping :·abuling that time-Qouthfullie,, whichGod bath giue11 c~o good,atlcl get-fomoknow... ledge ofGod,and afforauceofhis owne faloadon.. Such,mart GaJ.p 9 • nerofp~.rfons bee waritons.; .and>by the·ApoHle', ;put in .ine number offilehie p.crfons,that fhall not inherit eternal! life• . Wanton· Alfo in the bodie ~t {elfeJ and rhat is either ·in the p~~sor the · ndfe in a. whole'·; In thep'\_rts., as .an eye fuUot:llll, as Peter iauh; tht~t. buungf•hhe ee'afoth ·n!Jt·IQjinne~ Thbijgltthe.bGdie fotnedmes c~afeth' fur parts o t e f r: .. . k' . • rr. . , • • l , .. l>Odie~ want:o . oc~a 11on; or t0r w~a eneue~ yet toe eye·1s ~ wates bufied in vnchafle and ,wanto~ lookes. AI(~ the tongue in · vnchaUeand wanton fongs,and reading lo.ue bookcs)ofda• • ·Pet. a.I4· liance and filthjneHe,whkh is£a kiri~e ofconcemplatiue for-· · nicatio.n. Teey.thac, be .wa:ntof:1~;.a.ndrtbofe4thac·. r.eadet~cm.'Soeuery·othergefiurethat;ftirres vpQnes fdfe• or