Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

· · eu . . nt. 297 or any other, pu~p~fely ~o lull, wantonneffe:. as tl~e / Wifeman fatth, that aWtcked, man makes a figne.wtth ~ts Prou.6.r 3• nnger,andfpeakes.,.w!thhis ey,e.- .. . . ~ . ' The whole bodte 1s abufed to. wantonneffe tn tmtnodeH wanton– dancino. For here euery part i5' abufed c·o daliance, the eye, nbe~en~nrah. D J:' d Jl • • • b • d Ull o e the hand, the IOOte, an a J m meettng, tn em ractng an w.holebofuch like. All.the·a~Hon-is nothing;butche ptofdiion of an dte. vnch.afle heart. Here is an artificiall grace,an artificialIp·ace, an a;tifi~iall countenance,and in eucry part a wicked arte is added to encreafe this filthinetTe; and ifyou .call it afport,. it is a ve1·y dangerous fport to vfe the bodie as aa in!lru: ment ofwantonnes,:and-auLin:d:Ucement.ta fornication and adulterie. < • 1r: -· / I Thofealfo haue offended in wantobne.tre,that g'i~e them~ (elues Iibertie tobeprefent at,and fee fuch things as . b~ pra-. Clifes ofwantonneffc,as.flage-playes, which ferue fnr no... · thing~but to nqurifh .fih~ineffe·; -and -~hereJhey ...aremoH v– fed, there filthilleffe is q10Il pr~Clifed : where :the man is cloathedwithwoma~u. appa'rdt,a·hd ~ln~t,ordioarily is put in vfc, which the· Lordcondemn~h as:an hainous abotnination. This is a way ·t~ ,breede confu6onof fexes, and it is a Dcur. 22 •5• plainebelying .oft~e ~eJ;e,! ,~hofe then that haue thus hurt themfel~e.s, or·o~he_rs, frndl<Craue pi3rdon,and repent; and t~ofe 'parencs, that .the'mfeluesin yo'uth haue t2ken li~ertie this way,Qlufl reAraine their children: contrary to the corn- .mon pracHfe ofimpure pa,rents, th~t haue t.h~mfelues been 'oldfornicatours and wantorls·,atio nowwhetl ~hey ate fpentJ i_t doth them godd, and :· inak_e'ftbeir he~rt glad to fee their yong children tread in their fleps, a11d · and sk_ipping vp and downe,with all wanton andvnfeemelybe– hauiour. This,ho~rfoe'uer ~en tnakehuc fport ofit,yet God wi!'Ino~t tolerate it :{or:ifhe' can:Oot pu:t vp thea,hufe of one rt1enib'er alone;tO:wantoi:uieffe~he wiUneuer endure that the whole bodie.. lhould be thus abufed. Thus muchof the fe– uenth1~otnm.1ndement, concerning p'referuing our .owne' ' and others Chaflitie; The ne~t is, concerninggoods,Jn the eight ~ommandcmentJwhichisa·s follo'w~th. · ·· ,. · 1.t .:. ~ ! . •, ........; ... :~ ... . • ·''· ' . The