. . The_e.ig.hth Comtnan.dement. ... .. . l r , 1 • Exod.'2o.x:s• Th,ttPulltllot:fttlllt~ : . ; 1 .t~ . ·The fu~tne of1~is,that. wee'·fhouldnoi: hurt our~wae,er· .:our neighbours ellate: but.. fofarr.easwee.ca~1,-procure the ._g-Ood ~ff3o'th. · ·· '· ·' · :. ' ........ ' Jjfllilil&liiiiiD;a;;I~.He i~wa~d ' breach of this·Commandetnent,.is.. ·. lufljng after anotherPJans good~ in th~ bea.rt;i and a fecret dcfire of that, WAith is n{)OCiOt L J ~ • - .-' i .ours, though wee feeke not to get it wr.o1~- - _ · - ·- .fitlly. :For;) as ~n the former CoR}mandement, the filthie .concupifc~nc,e. oft·he-. heart .was c~unted aduhcrje before <;;od, ! t~ough vn.~Ie~tJe pr.a~ife.s did -nocbre;1kei foorth ·: fo · hcer~, h~ ~hat inwardly longetb after his neigh· Tolc»ng · bours gooqs, ~~ a theefe before Gods .iudgement feace, · ,after,our th . .·' ·h h 11 h" h . d r. l . f L S . p . .'\ ~meighbo•us . ou;g ·enay .t_.s .an. rrp_tn taxmgq taem. o lA 2. ~t.z:. ::~~sis :14.he(dc:fcribing ~i~~ed tn~p)faith; Th~y h~.qe./J4.1'_tl exf:r_•. r t~ ~rr:iftditJ&INitiJifoejfo.Tho~gh theydurfi not_giuefuchlib.erty }· L {~0