Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. · TheeighthComm4t~dement. 2 99· ·- to their hands, yet it was theoccupationof their hearts J to bealwaies flealing;alwaies deliring that which was none-of theirs. Euen as the thoughts and defires ofChrifiians are bufie~ in thinking ofche life to come, and ofthe latter endJ ·and how toglorifie God while they Jiue:fo their de fires and beans were alwaies wandering and purfuing after another mans goods: this was all the exercife oftheir aeart. So Mi.. .cha.z.z. ThtJ couet fields, and tak:!thtm hJ force. · . Firfl the heart lufieth, then there is no fiay; the violence · oftheir luflt~s carries them headlong, and they cannot bee at quiet, till they haue vndoneaman,and fpoiled himofhi-s goods. . , . · And this was e.Achans firG beginning ofthecuerie. Hee ,Ior.1.:u. faw a faire garment and aw~dgeof gold, that was ·no par- . ticular tnans indeed,but he knew it was none ofhis: for God had chalenged the fpoile ofall that citie to himfelfe. But he thought that thet·e was enough for God and him too, and , therefore he let hisheart loofe to defire it,and then he could not hold his hands oft: but tooke it to his owne dellru8ion, . andthe vttcr ruine ofhis whole family, for they were all put . to death: and the firH beginning was hiscoueting heart. so· g · tAha~,feeinghowcommodiouilyNa~oths vineyard lay to I. ,; his palace, thought he might make him aftbe garden there, · and might haue a goodly, priuate walke dofe to his houfe, and therefere hee would faine baue it. And thereupon hee~ i !' fends for ·Na611th, and offers him fome confideration for it; but Nah11th.knew that he might not alienate his poffeffion frotn himfelfe, that God~ad giue11 him, therefore he fayes him nay.- But his defire was fo importunateand earneG, that it would-take no nay, and thereforehe was euen ficke with griefe· ~and de£1re ofthat which was none ·of his. And then " t~ere ~as nowayleft, but Na6otb mull bee flaine, and by HookeorcrookeAha!Jmufl haue thevineyard, and fo N~t... _/1,thJlifeand vineyard were both taken away : but fo, that hisowne family and pofleritie by th,is euill _couetoufnefle. · / · · The vfethatwe<mufi makeofthis,is,thatthough we haue ncuer .:lone any man wrong,in one penny, yet wee muA V repenc _ .I