Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

3 oo . ·The eighthCommttndement. · ~:tfr~~ot~ repent for the wrongoft~e.he-.a.rt,and the fecret defire ofthe bcrepen.. fo~Ie.,or elfe before G'od weeare culpableofthe hreach Qf · tedof. ~h1s Commahdement, and liable to the plag-u,eQf God for wadering lt. Secondly,.we rnuH learnt to refirainc our defires, ·and re.. ~e~~e~e re. preffe the wandring lutls of our heart: for that which is a :fir:.tincd. finne to talkebefore~ met1, is a hnf]e to rWifll b_eforcGpd;; therefore we mufl bindour minds and f~Hfes to~the good ,a:- . bearing. Now theway to expell this wicked and gr~edyeo.. Rel!'edies uetoufneffe ofwealrh,is to confider thefe two things: Ftrft, ~~~~~~l ~~:the fmal or nogood that richescando them,that haue rh<;m\, Secondly,thece~tainehurt that the defir~ ofthem will bring~" Fot the groundofcouetoufneffe is this? that' men haue afalfe a1?d foolilh imagination, that wealth will bring fome hap– pineffe; and if they had riches in good flore, then they {hould be in good fafety, and in an happy ca(e.. But tha~· riches can tnakeoneseflate nothiQg .the better; prouea in thePfal.62:1o.I t. I 2./{riches-increafc,fet not,tbineheart, vpon them. He would haue one let.his heart beneuer a ·whi~ (et to his wealth,and deerne him.fdfe nothing the better for the incrcafe oftheq~. ~uti.~ not one the better,and h~th heq not !=aufe to·beemoregladwhei1 his purfe is fuJl ~f{~o,ny,i and his houfe flored .\'Vi~h riches, then ifhe~ ~ad ne.uer a fat~ thing? No fure,not one ior. And he giucsthree reafons. . : Firll,faithhe, Godfra~once or twicc,~tnd 1heard'it, .Powe~ hclong~thvnto G,od. Jpis is the reafon; Nothing_b.ath ~n1 powe1· to ·doe a man .a-nygQ.od but Go~. Ther~f~ry,ifpe~ ha~e al thewealth iQ the V\lqrld, hiswealth cann<?~ h~J·p .h~g,; it cannot keep~ away any iudgement, it cannot fr~e him . fromdeath nor fi~om. heU, but one may as,go~ to ,hel.~ frorn wealth, a£ fromwant: t.he richman may pa{fe into t.or; .'.23· p1entafwell as the verie,U; l;legg~r aliue~ Nay,i~ c~~not~x:4 offone flroke ofGod frot:nfou}~ qr. ,~ody ~~ tpis li(eJ,an,1 not keepeaway ficknes,nor thecaufes ·th_ereof. Ifthen tl?(~ be fo weake,that hewho hath them,is nothing thc:.necrer t~ anygood,nor fu.rt.herfro~ ~my, euill ~ .w~1y ~ouldqne~it~e~ earneftlydefire them~or greatly rei0ycewhen.hebath eh~~~ Secondly,_To t~;.e .·O Lor1 ~~~~~~g~~h mercie. T~~~e.Jsrn~ mc~cy but in ~Qd, n~ - ~ln,dn~s. p.utf.rom9od:; and thhls \ t U .