·, rr heeighth CtJmmttndement.. ·3o·x that· a·man is kindly e·ntreated, it is not fromwealth, ·but ft{Jm:6od)that .puts louc into me~s ihcarts; For i_four waies· . be plealingvnfeGod,he will makeourenemies tobe:com.e Prou.xd.7~ our friends,though we beneuerfo poore; and contranly, tf eur waies diCpleafe him, he will makeour friends, our foes, · and thofe that owe vs mo!l duty,and haue·heretofore lhew- . edmofi loue vnto vs,tobeour moft bitterenemies,and feek o.ur ouerthrow,though we beneuer fo rich. As is to be feene inDaHid, whenbeebad finned againfl God,hec raifedvp his fon againtl him; VtJho notwithflanding his vyealchand kingdome, fought his life and wo~ld haue ki1ltd him. Thirdly, Thou 0 Lord rewardcff eNcry one according to hiswork.5.r. That isaliother reafon, becaufe God Iookes ro workes, not to wealth,whenhe comes to iudgement.As ifhe had fa.id:moA -mendrea·me that it lhall goewith ·them according to thei.r goods an.d riches that they haue heaped vp. This were true· indeed,iftherewerenoGod,_ oreHeanidleGod, (as Epi~ cures imagine)that fits aOecpe inhcauen, and cares not how thingsgo withmen in the world : but ifthere beaGod that gouerncs the world, th~t is awake, andhath the ordering of , matters,then thequetlion is,notwhat manhatb,but what he , haeh don{!·:-not what riches, but what grace and goodne.she · · ' . poffe!fctN. For fin ne lhall haue fhamr, and he that is godly, Pro.ar.~x • mercifull and humble, fuall haueglotyand faluation. Sith it is fo, that riches are fo little profitableor auailca.. Imm~d3; ~le, this mu(l 'keepe out ofour hearts this finfull defire ofri- ~£\~ichee~r~ ches,that cannot profit. Secondly,as it is fure that riches can be auaided do vs nogood ofthcmfelues: fo weeare fure that the ddire . . ofthemwill doe vs much hurt: and as there is no help from hauing, fo there is certaine danger from coueting.For,inTi1 . 6 mothy, theApoHlecalicth it the roote ofall euill.Where this 1 ' lm. " 10 is,there fin neaboundeth, there is no euill that aman vvil abtlainc from, if ic:may proc1;1rc his filtbie lucre : hce will forbeare nothing that may further his gai_ne, neither will he do any good that feerneth contrary to his profit,. Therefore the ·. daflger is great that a"cc'otlJpanies ,C9UCtoufneffe,namely,the ruChing into all .~inde, of mifch.iefe ~nd yvickedneffc, and ~enegleaing an4 oJUittin.gofeuery t~!ng that is good. V 2 For