·. . , TheeigbthCommandement~ 303 things pertaining to the Common-wea!e, that is an~ther kind ofpublike robbery; when men, whtch haue the dlfpo– fing andorderingofthings that pertaine to the C.ommoo- .weale, and are to bee vfed for the common good, will take them fo'nhemfelues,an d mitke apduategaineofthem.This Js afoule faulc,and an highd{·gree oftheft,fomuch the more hainous,becaufe it is tnore g<:nerall; andgreater wrong,by howmuch it coucheth more,and becaufc thefebe thceues in requell, and robbers that are in credit, which Jeceiue thofe that trufl them,and deale ill and vnfaithfullywith them that put confidence in them, which cloth much aggraoate their fault.For other kind ofchceues, as namely they that takea '.. purfe by the way fide ,0r that Heale iheep or oxen out of GUt grounds, or pull doathes from the hedge_, they dcceiue no · maBscxpe8ationJno man cc:>mmicrerhany charge to the.m, . aor looketh for bcuer at their hands: but he that is falfe to , thofe chat are his friends,and reiievpon him,and vnrrutly to thofe thttt trull him,this is a right !ud&; a cheefe itl a higher degree. Thefe tWO are publique: now for pnua te flcallh. FirH., in theabt~lin~ ofour owne goods. For , ~ ~.~n may. H:1w meo be a grofiC theefe mGods account, though hce neuer rouch ~ob them. f d b h . E . h .c. h Ldues. penny o any mans goo s ut ts owne. .or, as tn t e11xt . Commande.menr, hee thatkils himfelfe·and is cruell to his owncpcrfon, /hall not bee exempted frem the name and blame of a mt:.rderer; and 2s in the feuenth Commaunde- . ment, a man may hee a fihhie perfon, and a vile breaker of that.Comm<lundement i1i abufing his body himfelfe alo·ne: fo in the eighth Commandemenr, he that abufeth his owne go0dsand robs himfelfe, is no better then a thccfe·bdore , ·God. Now men abufe their owne vveakh two waie ; l:ty waRefuJndfeand niggardlindfe,by vniuil fper1d .ing an vn.. iuH fparing. This lauifh [pending and wal efulndf<" hath ma~y br~n~hes. Firft 1 excdfe in diet or apparell, in fports, .or 10 bu1l~ing aboue that wee .ar~able, and can weH goe ·thr~ughwuhall. For cxcefTeofdtet tn meate anddrinke ~ the ,wife·man faith, Prouerbs z I. I 7. H~etb4t /ones wi1ze at6d rJ]fePreu.aa.:t7• '/14N.Nol 1 6tt rich. When aman ts giucn to his appetit and will toomu'hpleafehis tooth, whenhe will farf: abo~e his ~-,. ·· · V 3 abilitie,