304 The eighthC()mmmJement. · · a~:ility, a~d to fpc~d all in fumntcr, andket:pe nothing for wtntcr; thts ntan bnngs poucrtyvponhimfelfe>and robs his owne family. Thefe men are, an1ong theircompat:lions and snates,tearmed gGod fellowes, and eHeemed as theonly fi .. ber2Ii and kind heaned men in the world; but God cals them theeues, and infidel! theeues, yea vvorfe than infiddl theeues, that haue fo much call offciuill honeflyand humas.Tim.5.3. nity, a) ~hat theyha~eno regard to their far~ilie. . Alfo mapparell, t.fone run far beyond hts compaffe J and lauitb,and layout all that he can get,vpon hh back,this man takes his ownepurfe from himfelfe, running into fuch debt anddanger,as that a theefe could not dohimba.Ife fo much harme by cutting hispnrfe, or taking it from him, as this prodigall humour of his dotl!l, in feuingout of himfelfe in. attire fo farre beyond his place, calling, and ability. 'This brings penury andwant,where God fends none. Thnefore fuch amancan giuc no good account ofhis flewardlhip,but mull becontent tocome into the ranke, and receitie the reward of theeues and fpoilers. r.j:· 0 n So of gameHers, they are theeues whethe·r ·they lo(e or ar;~~ce~:s win. Hec that lo11e.r paflime/hall beapoore man, hee beggers I>HJ.ai.l7• himfelfe, when God require~ no fuch matter at his hands, but would haue him husband his owne fo thriftily, that hee tnight liue comfortably of that portion which he giues him: what needed. hee then put that to the- fall of lhe lC?t, which Godhath alreadyput out ofdoubt ? and fo to conuey his :goods t·oanother by anvnla.w(ull meane3. Oh but hee is a ·garnerfometimes.Then he is a theefc al(o in that rdpect.For he lhould not couet that V'-lhich is another mans money or wealth, tnuch leffe tbould he take it,alldkcepc ir, hauing no better right vnto it. Whohath appointed fuch kind oftraf– fique or exchange_, where the one p:utie ruufl receiue no cotnpetent and anfw~rable recompence for his good? God hath appointed no fuch manner of getting : and whu is • I gottenby this meanes God hath branded it w·it-h = ~ curfe: and no word ofGod, no man ofGod, or feru an'~'ofGed, cangiue~ny allowance, or pror;nife any blcffing.,yponth:is kindofg_:1ine. Sothac, _hauing no warrant forgchting, n_o · - · ··· - · · / · cori1£ort- ,. . ":. .