. rrheeigh1h CtJmmantlement. 30S comfort in vfing, no promife ofbleffing in thepolfeffing of fuch ooods how can ,he free himfetfe from the imputation ofvniawfuli getting? And though this be amore com~on · and recciued, yet it is a wicked an~condemned theft. Ltkewife the great expenfes vpon hawkes and hounds,and other lmn;oderatecharges,vpon necdleffe pleafures: is not this to impouerilh the family, to refiraine our felues from mercy:~ and tooiue the childrens bread to dogs ? quite contrary to . .,. . b ..J • f S · Ch. 'll A d h h h MaC.lJ·%o• the commanuement o our amour nn. n t oug t ey fay, they ha~e enough for both, yet ·they cannot but giue le fie to one, becaufe theybcfiow fo much vpon the other; and they fhould not bellow that vpon vnproficable beafles, that they might better beHow vponChri!Han men. · , This thenwill bee an ill an(wer~, when thev fhall come · before God, ta giue an account how they haue glorified hitli, by thevfing and difpofingof thole goods, whichhee hath committed to their truH. I fay,when thermull come to ·anfwere to this queHion, Howhaue you fpent your wealth?– Why, this vpon my taHe; this, to pleafe mine eye ; this, to delight r.nineeares, and {o much vpon other delights. But what haue you giuen to God,or laid out to his glory?When I had any fpare money, I gaue nQw and then apenny to the poore. Is not this to g~ue the bread to the dogs, and crums, to the childrei1? as indeed moH men doe : the full flreame and freenelfe oftheir liberality, runs to ferue their luil: but the fparing g~fts,and niggardly refufe, is all that God lhall haue. And all thefe rob and coufen themfelues, and though they imagine .to get rnountaines of pleafure, yet the end .· (hall be paine. He that loues wine and oyle,and he that loues paHirne, what is his doome,and what fentence hath God fet downe?Hefi1all be a needy perfon,and liue in want.Pouer- Pro· '-'~·'~1• ty is the befl end and eafiefi punilhmen.t of his wallefulnes in meateJdrinke,apparell and paflime. ' ~noth~rkind ofwa~efulne~e is ~y idieneffis.An idle per.. }~~es~~~ fonts a thtefe, I£eputs~u ~and m~ohu /Jo(ome )and eates vphi4 theeues. ~ ownefofo~ He~onfumes htmfelfe and is awafler of himfelfe Ecdef4•f• 11ndan'idleperfotJfoi~ll [,, cloathedwithrAgs.lfone lhould hau; Plo·lJ•.az. fuch '\ fompanion, as wh.en l~e,came to him.,iliould find him ( ·· V 4 fufficiendy