Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

3o6 . The eighth Commandement. fufficieritlv furnHhed with reafonabJe llore of ooods, to rnainrain;himfelfe; but by that time, they had pa~ced corn... panie,thould Grip him out ofall, make him goe in a ragged coate,and ltaue nothing behinde him, but want and mifery, would not one thinke this was but a coufening companion ancl a theeuifh fellow? But fo it !lands with idfendle. If that it keepe one company a whi!e, and he will cntertaine this ghuefi into his heart,it will make a fpeedy riddance ofall;(et · him bare in apparell, and bafe in account, and fill an houfe full of dHhefle and calamity, that was ~nmd full ofwealth and profperitie.And intruth,expeticnceflleWt s t~is among vs daily, that ifa man bee left well, of fufllden't vvealth to maintaine himfelfe in good fort; let him but gme h·a.rbour to idletleOe-,and all flies away, it goes eo wracke,andby little anJ lude like :1 moath it confumes away his grear weakh, and makes him no better then a bcggcr, before it hath done with him,vnldle he thake it otfbettmes. · Pro.:l•H+ . Ana cruc it is that s~domon faith, his pouertie comu ltk! lln ~rmtd. man. Idle pet fons bee pouerties prifoners. If they hatiC no calling to fe t tle themftJues in, pouerry hath a cal– }i~lg to arreH thc::nl. And if they can take vp themfdues in .6 no laNfull buf1nd1e, pouertie comei wirh ,;ommtffion to take thetn vp; and will not be put backe, it comes armed, it' will preuaile. S0·rhat_,an idle man is a theefe ro himfelfe; he . doth that to himfdfr, that ifanother fhould dee tt,all men woulrl take heed of him for a notorioui llealer.An'd befides, Fphef . 1 1.8 ·2·Thcf.3.l'Z.he coitdemneth fuch as ~alke i.nordinately)and 3•.I'hd: 3.•2- bids them labour whh their hancls,and not be idl(',th'at they ruaycate their owriebread; as ifhe had faid,Hee that dooth nothing,hath right to nothing, hee bath no bread of his owne to eate. Hee putteth Holien meate into his mouth ~uery bit he eates~ He cannot fay, I.ord giue me this day my daily bread ,for it i~ n_one ofhis, b<-caufe he neuer e3rned it• God will h~ue him do fomething, afore he haue any thing. . ~ . God indeede allowes lawfuHrecreado~, but he ';\'HI haue it · tofitvsforourcaJling)nonohinde,·vs from it. And why doe we account auy l)lan a theefe,but becaufe hee·rakes that wluc.hhe harh.'noright vnto_?· Andwhy then is not •n iale .. . ~. '' . . J'llall