Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

t. - ~07 man a thiefe? for he takes his f<"'od and rayment,and or her commodities~hauing neither title nor interefi in rhem. Th ('y be Gods,andGod harh made no fuch couenantJhar he.fhal haue them without doing feruice to him : but ~hen hee Jeaues hii calling,he loofeth his right and tide,he hues ofa- ~others goods, and fuall anfwere for it as a th.cefe. . · A third thing, wherein one playes the theefe in hi.s own~ Vnaduifed goods,i:s,byr~fu ~nd.hurt full furetilhip. ForSalomo~names ~uret~~ip iJlendle and fureuf111p,as two fins, rhat men make littleac- 1 uk ~ ceuntof: but God doth markelhem, and _efleemes them as foule faults. For this furedl11ip, howfoeuer men thinke it comes from akind narure,and a louing difporition,that they would be willing todoe good to any, y~t it is nothmg fq~jt· proceedes from an vnwHeheart, and a great'meafure offo.o~ l1funeffe. For truekilldndfe beginnes ~t bo1ne: and loue(if it be true loue)will do moft,where it ovves moll. But tbis Is– afoolifh kindneffe,when one(vndcr the lhew ofmercy to a... nother) wHI vndoe himfclfe, his wife ~and children. This 1s not meant, but ·~hat in lome cafes aman may and·ooght to be furety: and this is a duty to beperformed; but vvhh a good calling,and according to ones ability, that he breake not his owne backe with beating another mans burden. Therefore in (uretiffiip keepe thefe two rules. Firfi, looke what kind ofman h:e is, that you w0uld pawne your ,redit Rule~ in, ' for. Aman mull not doe this (hand ouer head) for euery fureu£h,p, cne ~hat willaske, hut oneJy for fi1ch, as he ic; bound vnto, by forne bond of dutie, either for Religion and Charity; or . ~lie for fon~e knot offi:iendfhip or kindred: elfc, ifone be fo carcleffe to·be fi1rety he cares not for whome, Sa!omon bids Prou1PJ take his coare_, pittyhim not, let him fed~ the fmart ofhis – fooiHh and finfull ralhnefle. Secondly, for whomfoeuer it be,goe n<9t a.~oue yot1r abtline, prom1fe not for (o much . -s q~ighr hurt-your farn1ly,an,d impa1reyour eftate,ifit mufl, be taken from you. For he'that is fiJretie, binds hi~felfe to pay, ifthe prindpaU faile. And·ifhe purpofe not to doe ic, · or cannot p(rforme it ,this is arneer~ ditletnbling and plaine · .wrong to the crediror,. And how can it be counted bener– .then a lye, when he promifetht~~oe tha~., which hec nd- · · u.. \ ther-