Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. . . '1'heeighthComm4ndement. 3og· {o the right and ioyfull vfe ofthe fame, that they lhall lie a~ ble with comfort to take their part ofthat, God h:lth giuen them.But there is another,kindofpeo_ple,w.homGod hates. They f11all haue paine to gather ana· heape wealth_, which muH bee beHowed vpon thofe which bee hol-y and good in Gods fight.God hathccrtaineenimies in the world -vpon vvhom·he purpofeth to bee auenged in this li(e: and how w\11 he plague them? This lhall be their curie, beewill appoint them to beOaues and drudges, and to layvp wealth in great Gore; but they iliall want aliberall a~d a good .vfe, ~hey fball carke aad care, and firwggle and Hrtue for earth, a great dealemore then Godschildrencan do for heauen:and when they hauc beea at all thislabour,an~ fpent themfelues in this miferabl~ toile, they !hall fee no good day.)nor haue one houteofcomfort, an other mutt enioy all. · . Likewife in Ecclef. 6. 1. Salomonfpeakes ofthe fame fin11e-,. hecalleth ic~n euilljic~ntj{e, a_plague .of theJoule tmd 11 p~flilenceoftbe confcience. Arid yet· it is very common among men,chat hauing goods and wealthenough to ferue the huf-. -band andwife,foas theymight fpepd their daies cheerfully · togeth~r, and to fuffice the parents to reioyce with their children, and.Gouernours to liue quietly 2mong ·and wit a ·their reruants, if they had a heart to ·take their .part; but through the vnfatiablenesofcheir luHs; there are fuch fcares, fuch cares, fitch wilhing,fuch deGring, fuch wrefHing; fudt wrangHn~ with wife, and chafing withferuants, that it i$ a , houfe of.difquiet.ncsand vexation, ~and in the middell ofaU outward meanes ofcomfort, they liue all without comfort. This is aGcke fi1mily, this houfc is infeCted with the ·plague ofGod_, and tha :: vpon the heart. Thi$ is a m.o(l miferab1e and gdeuous iiifcaie. Theref.ore wee muG-alllearne tobe– wareofthis bafcncsj which is ordinarywithmen ofmotl a.. bilitie.Ofal in thepariili,you,fhal haue them.come·feldom– efl r:o chu.rchvpon theSabbath daies, no more then-needis -they mb!fl; b~tvpon,the we~kday.not at ali.And·ifyouask:e the~m .what ts rthc re4fon; w-hy ·you can finde ne :leifure to come' to heare Gods Word, and -to fecke the meanes ofyour faluatioltl on the we eke dayes-?Alas, · wee baue , . fuck