:3tG · · The eighth Comm411dement. · · .fuch a Jeale ofbufineffe,fo much trouble,as that wee cannot difpatch itin any time, we mufl needes follow our calling, · _ and fee to our houlhold:and thus CQlnmonly it is fccne,that thofe which hauc lnoll huing, haue mofl paines andvexati.. , on,all ~yes vpon themfducs,and at·muHcotnechrough.thdr owne bards. They haue no fcruants, or: ,too few to helpe .tht.m,~nd they muH uecdC's lookc to 'it• Bu~,who puts them to all .this trouble,who layes fuch .a burden vp'on them~Sure– ly,~his it is,that either they be fo miferable,and!lraight han– ded ,that they will not layout any thing to .hire helpe,or elfe \ ·iftheydoe eutcrt~\ne aferuanr,rhey punHhhim fo miferably inhis diet,and deale fo deceitfully withhim inhisWlges, or oppre{feandouercharge him fo cruelly with labour,as that he that hath had experience ofthem otic yccre,.~vill not be.e perfwaded to liuc with them rhe fecopd. And thus they pu– nitb themfelu.es with their owne vnbelcefe, and "'retched ,&rliggardlindfe, -~vhere God lai_dno outw~rd necdlity vpon . them. This, men commonly call good husbandrie_, an~ thrifL,for a rnan to weareout and watlehimfelfe with immo~ derate tnuell, and to pinch and fiarue his houfchold, b}' nliferable fparing: but it is plaine theft before God,for one tofpend himfelfe,and pull a wantvpon himfelfe,wher~ bee tnay liue in plenty. Gods tnarkes bee found vpon him for awicked man,andacurfed finner ,wheo he hath much:. but canvfenothing: .that hee whkh hath avery fmaH ponion, may liue more comfortably,fleepc :norequkdie,pt3Ymore chearefully-, and fing Pfalmes with a greater ioy the•1hec .that bath fo n1ucb abundanc~) as nothing hurts himJbut too tnucb. . · Thefe therefore, that bee fuc;h miferable bo-nd-flaues to lucre and couecoufoes, as that theybeas muchat the corn1 .mand ofgaine, b.oth for thcit bodie and their Oerpe, and cueryother thing>as theSaitlts ofGod be vnro ChriH Iefi•s; Let them repent oftheir theeu·C'ry,at'lduot to braggeofthei~ ·hc;>netty, and fay, they will defie him that will call them . theeucs,for then they muAdefi: God: for he will tell them Jlcclcf.-+8. theybee theeues, that will not thankfully vfe hisbenefitcs, · but ddraud and Harue themfclues. It is vnnaturall in the boditt;.: _