. - • ' 31t:· body,tor onemember to y(urpe theo~ceofanother: as die foot todo the work ofthehand,or thehand to carry the bo.. . dy. For the body bath feuerall parts,andeueryone hath his _ .· propervfe that .is fitte~ for it (elf~ : an~ fo in ~he familie, t~e husband and wtfe haue both thetr fpectal duues,and thereJs - imploiment alfo for feruants n1eet for them. And therefore · th~courfe is moGabfurde,andhurtful1 eueryway, thatare;– fo couecous and fufpicious, as that they will haue all to go , through thei~ owne hands; as though nothing could b~ wet done, vnldfe it wereofthdrowne doing. And by thisim– modcratetoile, they fofpend theirflrengd1,and fpirits, that · they dHlemper themfelues, and difquiet anddiforder all the houfr1old. Thfsmifdeemingofothers and ouercharging of himfelfe is agrieuo~s fin ne: andvnleffe th_ey repent for it, as . they haue been troublefome heere, fo God moll fearefully will trouble them atthe day of iudgemcnt. Thus much for. theft in amans owne goods Now for theft in anothers. · And fidlof rhat which is done with fome colour of law, -r:efdn . ...., and femblable fhew ofcquide and right. Howfoeuer it bee ;o=d~b;•, more fmoothiy and cunningly conuaied,yet it is as badand lolourot – damnablea fin, as theother that is done more openly.For in.- a~. other matters, Art and skill makes a thingbetter : but this makes fin far worfe. And therfore thediuell is the mofi abominable finner ofall, becaufehe is the mofl fubtill and arci- - \. ficiall finner ofall. This kind of deceiuingvnder colour ofPraudulent Jaw,and vnder fhewofequall b2rgaining, to deale craftily,. theft. · and againfl confcience, is horrible theft,before God. And this is forbidden, J .Thr.f.4. 6. That no mandefraudor opprejfe 1.Thc&:4!6 1t11ot her: for God u anauengtr ofPill filth things. · ·TheApoHle condemnes this circumuenting and politikc fetchingouer ones brother in vnequall matches. Yea, but fome will fay /May not I make the mofi ofmine owne, and – fceke my bet{aduanta-ge? Ifhe be hurt,it ii not tny faulc,but his owae: he fhoul~i haue ha·d more wir. But thiswilltiot be · agood anfwcreto God, faith the Apoflle : he will tell you,. that you f11o~ld haue had more lol!e,.,hee is aucnger of allA thefe things,and will plague thofe tllat will gripe and pinch their neighbours,farre o•he.rwifc than thenlfelues would ber dealt: