~..x~ . TheeighthCommande_ment~: '· dea1t withall in the likecaufes.ISb Ia·mes 5·4· bids fuch hotvle ~maw,eepe: f•rthe crie. ofthoft.l~tlJouf.erJ,' r'*~ufe hire ·thel had· .~ft b~ck! byfr_qnd) u comeuzto th(!-. e~ru of God. Elfe they might haue fa1d, What rea foil hauc you to threaten vs thu$· or they to crie againfl vs, o~ to hold themfelues, d1fconcen~· Jed, what wrong haue we done them? We require no rnore thenour bargaine;and our c-ouenant, weagreed for aJl tha-t we aske,nndwhat iniur~is ·th_atf? It yn~y be ·~,faith t_h,eApo• ·file: but your agreement w~s·deceafuU, yot~ ·kept backe· by fraud,yo·u madeacoufeningand acraftyba.rgaine,you plaid vpon your neighbours·fimplicitie, and abufed his plainnes, youfawmore then he di_d)~md knew the inc~nuenicnce bet– ter thenheceuld,youwrapt him in by craft; you feared hitn bygreat words,that he durtl not but yeetd; oryou got him in by faire promi[es, hee looked to beebetter vfed, and to h~lle fome recompence in another. thing, in lieuofthe fer• uice you receiued from him. ·This ~catching men by fr~ude; r ... aad hunting them with nets, is·a crying t1nne, and' will let -God haue no refl, till hee take VC'ng'eance ~vpon thofe .that , vfe it. And thus ttAh~t/J got N'14hQths Vineyard, Hee would faine haue it from ~im,and would not_take it from himby pl~ine and open ~iolence,for feare ofthe f'peech of people, and infamie in tne_wotld: but yet.hewas conten~ ·to let Iefo- _ he/haue his ring, and fhe endites avery colourableandhy– pocriticallletter,to this effeet, as ifn1e had faid; There is an .ill report of a fowle fault done among you,· that Nahoth lhould bee a blafphemerof Gods _Maietlie, and a wicked traytour againH his P.dnce : but, for feare1cH vpon vniu!l accufations he fuoiJld be vniuHly condcmn~d, a iudidall 1'rocceding mufi bee taken ; and lefi any thing lhoul~ ~ce done w,ithout aduice and good counfel~,rafllly andheadtly, a Fafl mufl bee proclaimed, a.nd the peo'plemufl bee gathe– red toget~er, .and there wi~h faHing ,and prayer the thing i11uifbe triedorderly, and in good forme oflaw. For good tAha/; and lefohtl were loath todo.anywrong, or to .iuqge one vpon a falfe f~rrnife ·and rumor :- therefore, . that the .truth might appeafe, let' the l;ld~rs. ofd1e .ci~ie: fearchout the nlatter, and finde th~ trUlPJiA ~quall manner; let rhe · ~ac~~fer~