· The eighthComm4nt{emtnt. . . 3- ~j a.ccufers ,comeface to:face, and let them ·(a-ccordmgas they fay itfco'nfdence, they were hound) proceede to palfe to fentence-: Aod fo theydicl, and there were men at hand to forfweare themfelues. A:nd now, fith that all t}1ings were fo tPlaine ~Qd euidenti and matte~s went fo deere againfl . _ ... him, .alas,_~hey were fQrry : but they could not chufe but .· deaLe.intiiffeienl:ly: and accordit.lg to the Jaw, Nahuth mufl haue that .punHhment that his fowle fa6l: had rleferued, hce mull forfeit his lifeand goods. t0 theKing. And thU$ Ahafl gqt the 'vin.eyard. Hecre (we (ee) was dawbingandpainting with faire fhew~s, . andgoodlywords; equitie, confcience, .... : : an~ reHgion,pretended, and all tocarryout lhamefull mtir- ' , ther and theft : but did this make their cafe any whit the better ·? Nay, this made it farre more abominable inGods fight. . :' .. ' ', . .; . . ! $oatl}ongll_vs, cru~ll inclofers,that fet t:h~~felues to,yn.. Aga 1 inlf' . h' 1 , d .J k h a h f h b en<; ofers.· p.epp.le-t e.an ;anuwe~ ent e_ nreng~ o t e_country, y ioyning houfe"tohoufe, and land t<? land(i.ndeed for houfes, theydoe Jl:Ot (q ~nueh dclightin ioyning houfe to houfe, as tn .ppllingdown(tJJoufes) bq~ .all the lapd tJ1ey would{b~ tqeir goodwil)g_edtuo ~heir own hands.Thefe Catcrpillcrs· what fay.they.?G9o.dly :words and faire pretenfes you fiu.U baue._O.thjs-will bee for the good ofthe Commqn..,weale, and of th~ _ in:habitants, this will preuent much flrife an<t ~ontentjcn:h Y'! q~rHpiqgs.bee p~ned, a.n~ .cuery mankilQvves his owpc;) RWJ J:}y;~~ I~~J~~f. {P ;f.9.rnmo_n~hus ,; · and b~fid~s it willpo~~~~JV09~J ·)}ll~· f4~9 t~jke~ ~nd .thus vnder preten{e · ofaqqrt;)mP!l g?Rs.\.rqh~M. P.ting re p~ffe tt:comm~n euill by; gettingall to themfelues, and fweep1ng out me11 fron1 the ~ar_.tQ.;l;b.~(e, F<?ll}IJ?PJ\lyJ~ncr ~r~at, ~heeues:bu:t there is a g¥eat Iudgez~~W~~"!H!¥'9.~rf!9l~gainJl them :_his word hatl1. p<-aff~fe~~~~c~e ·alrea.4y, ~~dt.it lh;dl_notbe ion.gafere.. the , .tKe,utioncomev.ponfuchas dogrieuous harme V11der -colour ofdoinggood. . · · , ·' . .:- , JTpelike may~ee f~id_~ ~9ft)lofeJqaJ ~auiqg t~e . goo ..d.s of · me~.d~eafed,cp~nrrutte~.to their ~~Yt:l bywil,qeai~ vnfaith.~.--. fulJy,,a~q pu~ -~hel;ll'fl'om the_"rig~t owners into th~ir own~ P,J.l~fe;·fh~~,is plain..~ ~~(t :~~q X~tJt, gc;ie~th _f~r ~urrant often - ..)·: amoug~;