Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

TheeighlhC~mm411efement. · 3IJ thltl wu,T11u is thecurftth4tgseth thro11gb thewhole eardl:for , n~~rj""'thatfleal~thfoal/ /Je cut ojf,A[weOowthis fith)as ~n th4t~ Arid'in the fourth vcrfe; I -will6rin~it fo•rd:~,foith the Lord of /,,fli~anJ'itfo~l-ln.,ur into the houfooFthe-theefe~dofhii!J thllt . fwearethfaljily !JJ·myname, and 11 foa!J remaine ;,. themid/f of Ins htJIIfo~ dn~ it' fhaO confome it, !V'tb the limber ()fit, Andth6 f#lltt of it. The Prophet fhewcs~ that ~he c~~fe.of Gad fo~idwes{uch as tleale,and be theeues; fw1ftly 1t fltes aftc·r the, aRd God himfelfe will bring it into their hQufes:aud ~hen ic is there,it is like rhe moll peHilenc fretting leprofie,tbat was · ' · not only infectioui to m_en, but would confume the houfes, and enter into thetimber an·d ·flones. So Gods curfe dotli not rdl vpon the bodie and foule ·of theeues onely, and ·thofe that wiU llcale, but it will bring all to-nought, ynleife · theypurge it awayby true repentance. Aman were as goad put a coale of fire into the thatch of his houfe., or in the .. barne,as bring any Hollen goods among his fluffe. firH he faith,tbe man that Healeth f11all be cut off: he pro.. 'Uokcs Gorl todeale with his perfon fidl,and to cut hitn, off, . tokill hisbodyand damne his ovvne fo·llle. But fomc: mig~t . fay ,Thou-g_h ,I be dead and gone_: yet I hope my fainilie,and mychildr~n after me, fhall fare' the better fer it~ No : they ihall fare the worfefor it. For, that fball purfue them'·is fuch a deuourer and confumcr, t,hat though there · 1hould be no man left, nor any liuing thing for it to worke v'fion,yet it wouldnot reA, but fhew it felfc vpon the infen– ftble_\hir1gs; 2s,_theve~y'timber and fiones ofthe houf~sof fuch as prouoked God to lay it vpon them. As the Prophet, HecsuetethaneuillcoHttoNfoeffe to hishoHfo; Habac.~. 9 ;an}fnot to hi!Dfelfe only.. _ · . ·· ' Men t-hin'ke t·hat when theycanbringhome thofe floile-n -=gqfids;that ·this is agood thingJ and iliall doe them& theirs good :but indeede ir is ·~n ill couetoufneiTe, it brings~ mjf- . ,chiefe vpon him and his houfe. So many things as a man getSby fiealth from his"' neighbour,fo manycurfes he gets to -hi~ foule,.and fo many plagues hee wraps and rowles toge- , . thtrt9 cbn1e vpon his"f'ofteritie. Yet men haue excufes for nxc .res for · this their·flealing. As firll:, alas, what ihould you fpcake offtc:aUna. , X . this?