.. 316 . .The eighthC1Jmm4ndiment. · · · this~ it is_a fmall thing; you lhould:Hot make fuch adoe a– bout fo little ·a matter. Is it :1 fmal_l thing? Then the m.ore wretchedand ahieet finner you, that will c~rruptyourfelfr) for fofmall a thing. He that will racke his co~fcien~e fo·r. a trifle, will .neuer Hicke to doe fiue times-w()rfc, fur a~atter . ofweight. Ifa man be not fait-hfull in- a little, you may bee fure he ·will neuer bee faithfull inmu~h ;:he·that will venture da·mna·tio.n for a Inatter ofa pennie, he will d·ee tenne times more ifit cotne to a pound. He that cares not tobre.akeone Com~andement for a peece of bread, let him baue hope– ofagreat~rbootie,and he will brcake euery one. Ifone will lloe the diuellfuch fen~ice for fo fimple and (mall wages,le.t the diuell men~ his wages, and hee wiU certainlymend his worke. So that this excufe prooues a man to be more inex– cufable. Oh, but l trufi this is not to be blamed, he can fpare it well enough, it will doehim no harme,and mee good~ I hopethisisno fuch m-atter. Butlirllwho madeyou adiui– dcr of_another n1ans goods? who gaue you amhoritie to jnake _any fuch partition? Hath.not God giuen pim_that which is his, and you that which is yours? And you (not · contentedwithGods dillribution)take that\vhkh belongs tlO·t to you. And whereyouJay, hee can fpare it,it_will doe him-~ no-harme : Sup-pofe one fuould goc to. the Kings Ex~ chequer and br~ake open hjs treafut~e, at1d take our,~though it were euen a finall fim1me,and fay, Alas,.I~~ a po.oreman, ·and this is not_ fo much, the 'King is rich cnough, .. hce may well fpare·twicefo much, I trufl he vvill not be muchoffeq• ded, though I haue ventured a little in my neede. Bu~ for al your need,and the Pri~ccs we~Jth,he that would d<;> thus, ;. were like eo bee countea afoole, .andbee hanged as a fel. Ion, .the excufe would not fcrue the turne•. But no.w .God hath abfolutely.forbidden to.take any, mans goods, with– out any fuch exception as this,..Vnldfe he can fpare it~ That is not the que£Hon, whether it wiJl hurt him ..or not: itof– fend.s God,~ehath forbidden i~,an9 therefore youmuH11ot doeit. . · · · . And whereas'you fay,it will do you good.,and helpe you, ·that isnot ,true.,it will hindery~u .:ather,and bring.a fur.ther . C:lUf~ .