. . The et nt. -3 . curfe·onyou then -before. Yea, but \Yhat courfewouldyou hauc a man take?The world hath forfaken me, I haue no friend tohdpe me, what would you haue mcedoe?What? cuen any thing rather then this. Haue men forfak~n you, and wlll you makeGod forfakeyou too? You can haue no help • in the world: and will you therefore fhut vpheauen alfo a– gai n llyou~felfe? ~fone were helple~eand friendlc.ffe here, and knewnot whtch way to turne htmfelfe fer reltefe and fuccour; yet if hee ~an iurne toGod,and crie to him, and haue hearing and·comfon from him,bis ca~e is good.)and~e is fure eo be wellprouided for. But now wnen one IS quue out ofhope-amongmen, and defHtute o( all outward eom- . fort, the~l to make God his vuer foe, and fill himfclfe alfo "With inward euilsand griefes, this is not to le!fen thecroff'e, but to iocl'eafe the curfe, and to bring a greaterweight of ' n1iferieon his owne head: , . · Th~ refore,aboue alJ,then a man had moll neede to keepe .peaceand league with God, when the world hath call him off: and.jfGod doe challice him with want, it \'Vereafarre better courfe to rcpent,and in rreate God to helpe him, and turne .away his heauie hand, then to adde rnore.to his finne~ and to ·caut"eGod toaddc iltorc firokes and correCtions to thofe ~hat:hebath,alrcadic laid vpon bin~ . So that w.hether the thing belitdeor~ greac,what .euer a mans eHate bee, or . whofocuer he be whom he \~rongs, nee mufl alwaies take · heede ofthis priuie Health, ofthis clofe cO:nuaying another ,mans goods to himfelfe. -Now as it is a fault this "'?ay tQ wrong any: fo efpecially ifthe perfon to who~ the wrong ~bee done, bee .more necrely ioyned and tyed in anybonds ,tdvs, or w~.e to them: contrarie to the dealing ofanum.. ber; that rindeede will let their neighbours . :goods alone .for fome eutward refptd, they will not llealc from them; ·but for their Parent-s ofMdlers, there you mutl giue them leaue, they ho.pe 'they may borrow law a little, and bee .fomctbing ~olde.r with thdr goods, then with. anothers, . But do theyNot .:know ""hat theholyGhofl faith in the Pro.. . uc·rbs?He that ro!J6eth hu[11therandmDther,aNafoith it u nl Pro.,.J.J+ fit~lie~ u A .&ompm-;iiiJ ;()f 11 d~f!rt~yer. For this is fo {arre ftOtl) · . . · X a, .· _ letfening