Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

; 3.1 • _leficningthe fault) th3t in truth .beforeGo-.f it makes it farre iliarehaioous and11bominable. For,as he that kils his father . . or mafler,doth commit a farre greater fin ne., then ifhe were aRrangeror further off; fo hete likewife he that robs his (a– ther or his maller,Js in •an higher degree a!inner, then ifit were~perfon nothing fo neere vnro him,towhom heedid,' · not owe fo much dutie. · · . Therefore as onemuLl labour, not to let his hands .haue libertie to take any thing'that.belongs to any man,be he ne– uer fo farre diflant from hit·n efpecially he mufl rdlraine_ them from that which belongs to his father or ~after; or f0me fuch,to whom he was boun.d with a more thong and neere bond,then to· other n1en. For this is a more wi<ke~t Llealth,that is done againfl .a fricnd)then that ag·ainfi atlranger. A_nd thus much for llcalthby taking. · Theft by Now another kinde of theeuerie followes, nothing infe.. rea..ining. riour to this; by vnlawfull retaining and keeping in ones. hand,that which is none ofhis :_whether it be~ bywichho1:- ding ofthings fo~d,or lent to vs,ovof wage' or things due I anyway toanother~ For though a man keepe hirnfdfe vn– fpotted in this refpett;rhat no man can charge him to haue . t-aken away one penny from. his neighbour, either priuately or violently; yet ifhe(going bJ' the w·ay fide)find any thing·– that he knowes not whofe it is, then he takes it vp, and after; heares who is the right owner ofit,an<i··doth not refiore the · I goods C<!> the owner: all his former go9-d deali~g in-other– things,will not excufehim frc~m the imputat-ion o.ftheft., fo _ long as in this fort heekeepe~ his neighbours good.s fro·m . B~d: 1J,4· him. For God hath commanded to bring backe the thing. Leuit·'·J· h (l d k fl• • f h I . 1 . aad4· t ar goes a 1ray, an toan ereuauuon o t at·wuc 1 was , · ( 1_oA, otherwifehis offeringcould not bee accepted. For in-.. tleedhis confcience will accufchim,and the very lawofn_a– turewill condemne him: Becaufe there is no·man fo igno- . , rant, but ifhe had Jofi his owne purfe, or any thing by tht -· w.ay fide, or otherwife,he would thinke it right and equaJJ~ . ~hat -hee whofound it, iliould brin~it tohim•gaine, if hee knew him to he theowner ofit.; and would fay)hee. had not– done the dutie ·ofa.ncighbour,Jfhee.fll;~uld keene it backe- . frt)ml '