Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

o tJmmandement.-- . The inwardduty, is contcnt.edrieffe in· our owne·dlate 1 with that portion whatfoeuerGodha-th aHotted vnto vs.if~ like fo wel ofGods diuifion,a·sthat we beleeue inour heatts that the meafure is bell and mofi profitablefor vs,that God our moll mercifull Fathel' hathappointed for vs. This quiet– neffewith that partthat falles to his lhare, is thedutie corn.. ·manded to euery man, and is the inward keeping . of this· Commandement.This is commandcd,Hebr.t3. 5~LetyouP conuerfotion !Je withsut ceuetoupu.f!e, and !Je ctmte11t with thofo thin(JJ which you hrJue. This is the Commandernent. Why.· 0 " J might fome men·fay, I am no,t couetous. That, you may foone trieeuenby.this, whether·-you becontent with thofe things that you haue. Cen~inely fo farre as aman is -voidol couecoufi1efie, fo far he is well content with his cllate: and hee that dothnot thinkehisovvne enoughfor himfelfe_, it is· . fure he is ceuetous after another mans. Yea,. but how is ie poffible that one canbee cont.ented in my .cafe ? I haue foi nianyWants, and can fee llO m·eanes to fu:pply them : how' would you_haue m,ee content now, not hauing fufficienc . inaintenance, nor knowing how toget it?. He that is a·Chri..; (1iat1 hath enough to il)afntainehim.,for he hath ~the. promife: Hebr.J3·1 · o.fGod, that hqe "Will ttot leatie·, nrJr foifoki him.: .t ~tlclri' Gods -~rornifenothing? Is not his Word-fufficich.t ·affoiat:tce ofall things needfull? If God bid vs ·.be content, andhad( giuen vscaufe to beecontent, why fl1ouldwee not beecon~' tent ?Is not hjs truth.apawnc good-enough? Wh~t is to be beleeued,:wd whereuponmay weedepend, .ifnot vpon the Wordnndp iom\fe·ofGod ?For mans lifeconflfieth.not in, thegreacnesof his portion, or die abundai1ceofhis wealth; but in the bfeffingofGod, whichwill tnake a little go farre; ;mddoemore good then agreat deale without it.1And hee . that.hatb thi-s, whatfoeuer outward wants he feemeth to he· in, he is well. Indeed ifthe prom.ife were, your wealth{hall · ' not faile, and friends lhallnot forfake you, this were ~o · ,great caufe of comfort : heere a tnan co~ld not but.feare; when. his fafetie confilled in the conHancie of fuchvncon– flant things. But ifGodhathproriiifed to be with~ vs; w]l'j_· ... fuould wee feare, _ vyh~t any creature can~~eagainllYs _?-.;So . ~~;:{:_._ c;P_~~~·.. . . - -~. . .. .