.. · .TheeighthCommandement. 3-2~-· c.P/m!·!peakesofhimfelfc_, that behad-learned in all things to.Phi1.4·11 1 , becontent.This·is apoint ofgreat le.arning,andhe is agood fcholler in Chtifls fchoole,that hathgone fofarre, as that he can like wei ofGods deings .whatfoeuer.This is a thing that onlyGods fpirit can te~ch . on~, , to be fo weH fatisfied with. hts ·ownc, as that bee dath nenher enuy that another hath mo~e,nor repine and gnidge that himfelfeha'th leffe. But if this be fuch apointoflearmng, how ihould we come to it? That Paullhewes, t.Tim.6."Gotdlinesk·gr:atgaine,becaufeit" '11 , maketh a mancontented with ~hat he hath. Sa farre-as any: 1 ' m.~ . .. man is godly, fo farre ,is he content with.his. outward eHate:: tho.ugh:-·he ·hwebut. alittl~, . hecis not much troubled; ,fort heknowes Gods h:1nd ·is not~t11ortened : a·nd ifhee had no- . -thing, hee would ~1ot beout .afh~art, and d1fmaid, beca-ufe ~ee perfwade·s ·~lim,fdfJe, Gq~s. bl~Jfin:g can fullain~ him~s ~ · w~ll vvithoun roeane,s-; ~-as :with nteanes. ·And:thi.s was:.'that;; whichma4eP~i1l fo .CJ.lliet:a~d f~tled in all diHidfes•. For,.be- ~ fore godhneffe ha'd c'almed his heart, hce was as reHlefleas t tlie fea, and t(oubled -all t'he Churc~ with his raging,.,and fiercenefie. B~t fo foone a~ heegrewgodly, all the Horme · ~afed, noneJn(,U~ quietand-con'tentc:d-than ·he. Iftheyim~: Rrifone.4 him, if-they whipt him, ifthey flot1ed 'him, hee: could.quicdy endure it" Hunger, cold, nakedne!fe, whate-1 ue-r came, bee was well prepared tovndcrgoe it. Hee ·knew all c;am~ fromGod, andfo~ his good.: and therefore he ne-: uerffttt~d nor faint.(d for the matter, but poffeffedhis.fouler · ip ·t?a.sien~:C,~nd .kne·wj hQw to.beareall thingsquietly.Th~re-' · ~ore , M~hofoeuerwould' bee .patient, Jet hi~ labour to get. gpdlineffejntohisheart. -Many there bee ·that bee .willing) andv.vill t~kepaines"enough_to flore thei-r purfes, and their gr .ounJ1f., ~a~dthdr houf~s: but few therebee-? that will ~ake· p!lines. (wh~re k we~e mofi beh0uefull) to fiore their hearts wi~h·gpdline.s,which_w.Quldbringc.ontentednes,andfuffid.. ·en,de.alfo•. Fo_r we haue-thepromifeofGod, that ifwe f.ec,ke .Mat.t:.33~ thektn~4ome·ofGod,we lhall haueall other things ca!t lip..; 9J1. YS;tSr~_ ~a.t~~~g~ :~n4 9~etplus. Al)d -thecaufe) wky. God~ b.a~P :t~wa.nJs9:; ~s~((Om~.Qu~\t\(aJd. tb i ngs; 'is ·rlot fof.c- "unee-: w~~ttsilc:nttt,~tl"~:~JJ.Qt fitdJ..n:hji hoan 'o;bdl.ow.them: but --~;! ~ -~ ~ X 4 · bec:aufe