••lf1T.... r ..... C~mm4naement. ,, ,. . by_ drinking or gaming, or elfe by good ' che~r~ ot \ dainty f~ueaboue theirabilit·t ;.and by this im:moderate and:. vndifcreet lauilhnes,they vndoe whatfoeuer they did before by following their calling, and keeping the:nfelues a1waies inwant aud penury : wher.eas tf they 'V\'OUld beecarcfull f()' keepe thriftily that t.hey be painfuH toget,they.might·l~ue ot their la~~urs comfort'-abiy:a:Rd ioyfuUy; : ::uidb'efi:d~s mioht" .. be muchbend1ciall td ·others·that fldod in need~ 'ai1d ' h~ue· wherewithall toopen their hand liberally in workes ofmer– c;y.SoProu.z1.2o./nth~ houfe •f awifemanuaplea[tmt trctt– fore.;:~n.doyle/111,t af:doleaeuoureth it.~ wife man,thar-ls,ag0·d:.: ... -~, :' lyQ.lan dothnot'only feek;andbring intohis houfe,~u~· wiU I·:~· d , alfo keep-inhis:houfe, apleafant tre.afure,' d ~?lightfull riches~ ' · fuch ~s. being gottenwithout any {lain~ ofiniufHce, he bath . ' ioyand·comfort and a pleffin-g in the vf\ ofthem; and qee h.ath nod'Pt ne.:effityorily, but alfolor 'ddight, -cucn oy!e and things for refrdhingan-d ru.teation. But~ a·foo!e, that' is} a wicked andvngadly man~ :he· deuo~res all : whatfoeuer i:t be, left him byhis parents, giuen himby hisftie_nds, orgoc.:. ten byhis labour, all goes one way, all 'is deuoured, allis fpent idlely·and w-ithout anydifcretion. F.ar he feru·e-sfuch a chargeable mafler;. as willleaue him i1athing at the' y~ti.s end. Other mallers~fe co .-giuetheir.feruants wages for thei~ worke: but the diuell and lu!lj whomwicked m·en ferue, be ~. bothco!Hy andhard ma!lers, they ~ill takeall; and fo long as ~~e~~ r~mairi~san:y:.thing,i:o be had, tli~y -c_eafe_ tiot c~llin~ f<n Jt: but all thts hard andchargeablepamesfhall be re.was::• dedWjthn~~-~11 g, hut wat1t and n·eceffityat t~c lall.Soth~~ . agoodmat\ mufl: ·b;e.aswell .a-keeper-as a g-amer, h~c mult ·know how;tobring in laW.fully;andhow to lay.out difcreet– , ly, ~nd.-to difpo(~ thing:i.iathac.good:order., thatbedo n·ot ~ripgQim(elf;e ih_to.vnnecdfary w'ants an·d troul?lcs,but ~~at ~e. q1ay h;tuj}jb~thl:oicomfort ;him(dfe J ~nd alfo to refrefh others. T.hus -rnuch for thrifdnefle. liberality.- .' ·The other_ t~iog-·req-tiired: in ihe right vfe of ones ownc 1 .gooqs,is liqe:raHey;withootwhlchthercrs notr~cobedienc~ :~·0; tpi~ ~Rtntl'}~Dd.f~fMlt.· ~dw this: .~iberality mu£ffprea&-~t Jtl.t(Jp~~tW9'J)~Jliifes:j 1PWa~~sonesfelfe;ancboward.s·o.:. .: .,. ·. ·-· "' then. 4- ,f J ......;.; ~ '