Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. . . . . . . ement. jl) thers. A liberall manmuH bee ltberall tohimfdfc : for all goodnetfebeginsat home, and tbewes it felfe firH, where it · was firtl l;tred. And fo Ecclef.s.x 7· It i.t g-ood, f11ith he, toeatt •nddrink!, andtak! pleafore in1.nesla!JoNr: andthu, faith he, is tht gift ofGod. Tohaue·meate and drinke,3nd apparell)sa ,hingcommon to reprob(ltes: but tohaue thefe things, and the right vfe ofthem al(o in ioy and comfort, and thankful.o. neffe, this is a fpeciall fauourtoGods people, and peculiar vnto them. Therefore it isour duty to take part ofthofe·things, that 6od hath giuen vs,and with a thankfull and chearefull heart ~o e.nioy.hiskht-dnes,andnot to make_our cafe worfe thenwe · . J}eed. As the foolifh lfrat!itudid, when God in goodneffe Exod 16 ' 10 ·:· hadprouid.ed fufficient food for them, that they might haue hadenough) and g9ne to bed cheerefully after acom·petent fupper; yet, they were fofearefull anddoubdtJll, ·leH they fuoul4.ha4e.hadnothingfor the morrow, that theypinched .tlu;mfelues ofGods allowance, and would needs referue fomething vntill the mo.rning. But what became of it ·? did . ._pot .QQ·dJ~~d wprmes amongfi it, fo that it flanke and was · .g9pd(or ·.no;Q}tJg.?·And fo it isJHll: theequityofthish per.:. pct_u.aJl vn;o t.pc: ~l~~oftheworlcl.He whichwil bemore·fpa~ .ring~nan• 9od; yvQu1d haue him, and niggardly when Go4 _hat.p laid no. nec~ffity vpon him, the curfe of God will.fall vpon t.~egqo:ds t hu5faued ,that it is all oneas ifthey fp~.nt ..)for. ·th~N {hall·corrupt' (\lld va:1i!h away to' noth~·ng~ A.n~.ihde~;i fol1~ do not MrH il1·ewmercy to himfelfe, now is it pornbre .h~,fhoul9·. fh'ew mercy·toanother? He that will . _Herue an9 pine. himfclfe~ whenheeneeds not, no man will trufi him to fe~dand r~leeue his neighbour when he needs• . ThJs isq1 ~t~ ~r;r tajpf!,~haE lle .:Which will becruel to his owne flefll;~nq~u~~ hat:t~· any ,tnre pity·to another. . : Therefor~,£1rH-~ rnan.mufi haue an openh3nd to minifler vntohis owne neceffitiel! and ro helpe himfelfe, and fee tha·t ;nimfelfe be the better for his owne goodnes and liberaliti~. Andyet neither is that fufficient. Aman mufl not fpend all · his ~indnes withindoores, and keepe fo fpare a fire that can wanne nobodybut himfelf: but aftet hemuaflret~ out his ; . h dan .