·' 3 . .. · Commandtmtnl. hand to bee bountifu toothers, whofe want requires his helpe,ancl whofe penury calles for fomething ofhis abun– . dance.So t .Titn.6. 17. Cht~rt' thofe that beeric-hinthuWtJrlJ, ~hat. they !Je not high minded,&C:· That the] dot:oo~,and /Je r~ch tnggsd 'WorkJ,and ready tod,flrtlna.eand commllntcatt, la;rnt ·vp in florefor themfelue.; ag-oodffJt-}natilti()n 11gainflthe time ifJ .come,thttt they.mayobtaine etetn-alllife. Hee would haut rich mennot tonull in riches;but in God :for riches be v·ncer– tainc.And \\?hat greaterfolly can there be_,then for aman tct pu·t his ccinfidl"nce in that, which m.uH away, heknowes not :how foone .?.Godwill call for Aim, and be muflleaue his ri.– .ches behindhim)and coi11e nakedbefore the iudgment feat .ofGod. But iftheywopld know how tovie riches, letit not ·be in puttingtrull in them, nor in looking big, and prou"C~, and fowre,for this will make tbcni hateful to God and man; ·· but let thembe tn~rcifull, let them 'doegood and dHlribute, .and this will be a fure foundation fot them(ehu~·s :· by (o'd<?· ing they lhall get loue both ofGod and man: no beite(a .. treafure againH theeuill day, then that whichhathbeen laid vpin theworkcsofmercy.Soin Prouerb. 1 1.17. ·ne th4tN ·merciful!, rt~ardethhh· owneJoule. This is~thebenefit 9fmer.. -de_, that one doth twogood things at·onetime,he!lop.s two gaps with one bulh,he both helps andcomfotts thediflreffed, which is his owne flelb; .and more then that, he furthers his owne reck<:>ning againfl the timeofaccount. For, when Qod llull come to takea view, and fearch how euery man bath ordered·the goods comn1itted tohishand (as certain– lyhe will one day) .kt the fooiHh meu promife to them– felues what libertie theywill, and flatter themfclues, that all is their owne, and euery onemaydoewithhie owne what he ·will; yet they f11all find it isGods, an'-! to-bee.vfedan4 difpofed.according to his will. And when fuch a&enquirie comes>thts \Nill bringmoll \l nfpeakeablccomfort toamans foule, when vpon his death-bed, and when hee is noW tO leauehis wealth, heecaJ1with agood confc;ience repeate to · God, how he'vfed his wealth, and can hold vphis·head be.. .fore God, ancl fay.: Lord, thineit was~ and I didknow it, I was bu.-..afl~war.d, and therefQre I difpofed ofit, according t~