·· .. The eighthComm4nde~nent. J2't tomyMa~crswill. Itp~nt it not in feruing my lufls and de-. fires but in thy fquice,and to thyglorie.l was r-nore.willing, , and ~eadie to lay out much ·in thy feruice, and the rclieuing. the poore ~nemb~rs of Chri~, then ~w1y. thin~ i~ fettingvp· . myHetb,andplealing the vatne ·and ~oohf11 -affechons there– of. Whenonecan thus fpeak~ _to God,and make fuch·arec-- 1 koning, he /ball then we.U perceiue ·aod fe.ele, to the c.xcee• · ding ioy ofhis .hean> what-rewardh~ ge~s t~ lti!Pfdfe, tha~ giuesalmes freely, and Lhewes ·mercte hberally, . to others, that fiand in need. · · · .. And the ApofllePaulfaith~ Th~the-tbatfowethplentifully_, :~•Cor . ,.~ .fo4/lre~tpep/enriful~1; comparing liberalitie·in works ofmer– de to fowing. 'And fo it is indeed'C,.and fhall yeeld a better and more plentifull croppe,by~ow tnuch the fee·de it felfe, a.ncl the·ground on which it is fowen, is better then any ·o- . ther. So Pfal. 37· 26.The r~hteous i.r mercifNI~antl../endeth,and.PCll.37·1~ · hu foede enit?Jeth the.b!etfing: ·ri:1eetingwith:~n obiecHon,that. feemes to arife) Indeede I would faine be mercifull,and doe good,I know ic is agood thing; but alas I haueaCl~arge, l • mull prouidefor mychildren ; .the father muRlayvp for the · · children.; and he is worfe then an infidell,ltliaeprouides ·11oe · fomething ~or his familie. ·BtuGod hereteachethhim, how. he.mayprouide.and llore fomething for his ·pofleritie, and• therefore he bids them beemercifull. For hee _can neuer beque:ath·ab~tter portion,~nd a richer legacie tohis feed, ihen. · when .he dothmany works ofmercy,euen for their·fake.For. Godrpr_omifeth they 'iliaI. enioy :yqleffingofhu goo~ncfle. Hefaid1nor(,:they.iliaUbe .rich~ and 'haue the worldafwill ;~ (For a man may liuc ~in as much cafe.and wealth, and pleafure,as the rich Epicure did,and ye_t goe tohell when hee di, eth); but they il1all haue the bleffing: which imports thus , much, they. fi1all haue Gods fauour to' bring them to.hea.. .uen•. HewUlhldle their. foule and toh(det1ce.;3tid:chey : fuall~ ·hauebefide {o tnuch wealth as ·m·a·y !land with'· his blelUng, . Not· fo .mn~h,as to make them ·prou~ and idle., for that wer•.; the.way to make themcurfed; but fo much, ,as ~1all fuffice · to .make them,thankfull ·to G 0 D~ and :profitable in .the:' 'E:hurch: Andthis .bleffing.they thallhaue,not as ·a·ghtrefi ,to· .,, . . fal~·