lufiice. .. . -328 _ Commandement. . . ialute them)andaway :.but as an inheritance,that lhaJI abide • with the1u)a[ldhclpe·them·for euer. Thus much .for the vfe -ofones owne. _ . .J'Iow followes the next pointj_in the· r~htcarriageof"our .felues towards our.neighbours, and that is called Iullice: wh!chconflfleth·in two things,in getting, and retloriug.Iu.. · Hice in gen!n-g; is gets by lawfuHmeJnes, in a 1awfull c:l~Iing. No~ by g3ming and fach meanes, without .-. -.any fuffici~nt confider11.tionand ~xchange.- For this is theft, · thefc be vniufl A:'eanes that bring a curfe with the vnlawfull .· ~ine,as hath b~edfilewed before: and fuch aman makes hin1fdfeexcommunicate i'qthe hearts ofGods people, and · ·.brings hardnetfe.ofhe'aJt y-pon himfelfe,and muchmifchief betide. But ifthe calling wflerein amanexercifeth himfelfJ be warranted and fantl:ified ofGod to this vie: then care muA be ha8,and that as much, that themeancs which one vfeth in his.calling be agreeable thtreunto•.Ifit bee-bydif.. .fembling;aad lying,by falfe waighrs, or falfe meafures, by ·&lfecommen~iing,or dif-c<>mmendin.g aboue n1eafure, or ~byanyfuch.likcvnconfcion~ble way, this is iniullice, and a -breach of the-CQmmaildement. The~efor,e let the~aiJing. be go(}d,and the m~anes good, .an.d then a-man ma.yw.itha .goodconfdent;e take the bleffiog. And this1siufiice_in :get. t~ng: nowforr'(floriog. · · ·. ·, .· \: ', . "this mufi-a1fo!~fe-rued,that,ifanyhaueinformer time . -be-en:-~r.aftie and .de-.ccltfilll, and-dealt iniuriouOy with his .neighbour; though happily-~t beJhidden frommen,an<f;the .world cannot lay it to hischarge, yet bis own ,hcart:knowes · , .it,and his owne confciencewill not .paffe it o~rfo, but .hee mu!t hear-e.ofit.If(I.fay) ones.foule tell hjm that hee bath ,chus wrongfully intreated his neighbour,ifhe will ·becoun– ~eda iufi man, and ha.ue theformet offepceblotted out, and the mouth anddamour·ofhis c.o.nfcience Hopt fro·mthole fierce and bitter accufations, whereby itvexcrh and .-dif~ -- quiet_hvnrepentandinnen,he muflfee that.bee makerefii– d:ution; !'et tbe fcruant.goe t 0 the ma1ler, and thegoods re– ~ur.n~ to theowner,who hath the right ti tle vntothem~This .ii ~ommawied1Leuit.6.2 .&§:.l/anJfi:'1rte t~tJdcom·mit atr.ef– ~ . - p~;r,