· .The eighth Commandemtnt. - · 329, pA./fe,Agtlinnrbe L6rd,ernd deni~~nto hidJ~eigh~our, tb~t W,hich . P/M tAk§n l#m to trust, &c-: Hee foall !Jqeb r:eslor1 tt m the w_bg/e{t~mmt, and adde tht jifth·part· more thereunto.. Where · tbe holy Gho!l.ap.pointe·th, that ifany ma~ haue been any. way iniurio.us to hi's neighbor,eithcr by d-enying:that whkh– ~a-slent bim,.or ~auiogfound a thing loll and knowing.che. ~wner,hath detained it, or byanj'othe-r fuchJike dealing: i£'· eu~r he will hat-~e Godhearehis --pr.ayer,and receiue -his_ facri-: fice; before his offering,hee mull-make recompenceofthe . principall,and adde thereuntOJ.the fifthpart,&c. - · . _ ., .. ·_.' B11t it will beobie8edJthat he is gone,I cannot ~tell where to haue him. But doeyou know none of his kindred? Hath . he neither fonne ·nor nephew; nor brother?. Is d~ere none . ne.crc v.nto-hi.trt;that you know·?Not one. Yet it mull be re- · fi~red,it is none ofyours,you of neceffitic mull part with it, . .ifyouwill haue the finne pardoned. Therefore -you mull. giLte it to-theLord, the Church muHhaue it :-Numbers 5.S.. · So that this is the lawofreflitution ; He that bath gotten any. thingvnlawfully, muAnot onely. fay,lndeedelhaue done amHfe,I crie.God mercie for that i~paft, and I·will doe fo-no·· ~ more: but for this I hope, Godwill pardonme,I.purpofe now to Ieaue off doingwrong toany.Nb,t_bis is not euough,.. amanmull reE:oncHe.lniJVfelfe to God,;before b~ c~n J:econ-·– cile his £onfcie.nce to· hjimfelfe~.~ Gbd will-r n_ot·be -pleafed._ with fuchaweaKe amendment. Wee cannot bee affurc<l o~ p~rdon for that which is paft, nor perfeJ;Jerance in abetter cqurfe;vnldfe there·be truercpeniance: and t-rue repen~ancc neu~r goes beforc,,but,wilHngnefle to t~ak,e ;re,!lituti~n. fQl19weth prefently afcer•. r Therefore let a ,man .deale._morc foundly in fuch E:afes, that p_eriaine .to the peaceof.his .con– f:dtnce. This,hollow heartedneffe, and hypocviGe, i-p -.fych matters will.bdnghim n-a peace. Therefore. lc:t n~ a .m2Q hearl\qn t~ the d_,iue.U,and.hi-s-owne!ldh;for.bis.1hurt1 butre– Jlorc that whichhe.hatll'defraude<l:.any-n•:an o.fby illm.f:~ms. ~fnot,let himknow f<W-a furetie,whofgcm~r hebe,that there unothriui-ngby l;itchdealing, Sinneis a poyCon infeCting llotl}-thcfoule, bodie an<t··efiate·: andvnle[e it bee.pllrged outindme 1 will,hrin.g.all to ruine..._ ·: ~ · " . I