· ~ ~32 • ' the vngrounded fufpitioo, which groweth commonly to thevniuH iudg·~ng· ~nd·£ondemningofour neighbours)con– trary tO·theexprdlec.ommandement ofour Sauiour) rvlatth!l : 7•I·.ludge 11o·t,andyou/h4fl not bt iudged. F~rwith wbat u~dgement yu iudge' yeefhallln iudged: and with what mutjure}-tl metc,i~ foa/l be meA{ie,red to}otl .• -tgaine.As if beelhoul~ haue · faid ·:Ifyou \\'ould haue yoYr owne infirmides pitied, aed · your wordS- and deeclcs con!hued in the beG fenfe., then ~ew the like k.indnclfe vnto others: Take nothing in the wortl p_an,let not the dHl1ke of y.our neighbours arile from anywa't1t -oftrue. loue in you,but ondy from euident tokens of wkkcdne!fe in them. For .thisis moll righte,ous, and or– dinnri.lycommcth to paffe,that none.are moreh_ardly cctlfu- , r-ed,then they~ that are the bicr~ercH ~nd rag~.refl cenfurers; And-none finde.ldle mercic from God and me~, then they.·. who haue bin the moll vnmerciful iudgers oftheir br.fthren~ Alfo,Rom.I4·4· who art thou that iur{{efto~nother m_an1fer– uant ?'Thereby fhe.wing, that when men iudge rafhly, they doe not only vfurpe vnlawfull authori-tie ouer man,but alfo they thrufl rhemfelues into the place ofGod:. How .h~\tefull and hurtf~ll thisinward (ufpidon & caufeie!le m~fdeeming is.)may better appeare by thecaufes from whence.icfpring– eth. The·fil H)s want of godiv and Chrifiian loue.As I .Cor. € ;1 ufesnf . · ~ " rctlh fufpi . J,3·7. For where we louc,yvc·hopc welLAnd thofc.that carrie t1on • t an ill affethcsn, will be fure to make an ill confhucbon. As i.~~:nt" , mayb.cfee ne in the Pharilies quarrellingagaintl ,and Hum-· blmg·at, cuery word and worke of Chn.fl, ~1atth.9.3,-whe t1 our Sauiqur pron,ounced that his finncs who was ficke oft he . paHie were fi> r{g!uen}th~y counredhim a blafphemer. And in rhe I ' I . verf1>>~hey condernne him for ~reping com– ·Rauie \\'ith publican cs.and lio·ners. And verfe 34..when·bee had 'a!lout a' d iu_eHJ th~y cha rgedhim to be a coniurer, euen– .. (on.federated with the chi~feofthe diu~f.s. ~ Whereas ifthefe _an.J fuch hke workcs haCi heen~ done· by· their ownc chil.. ·dren or friends) they woul.-::1 haue made chofe things, mat– ters of gr,cat commendatio:1 in them whome they loued,_ which theycondemneas hainous cria~.es inhimwhorn·they bated. . ·· ' ·