Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

Commttndement. 3~ · The next caufe,is want ofwifedome and good difcretion .. z.. ~danret - As Ath'2.8.4.The rude Barbarians, feeing fhe Vipe-r to hang wue ome, onPauls handjiudged him prefemJy thereupon to be a murtherer. Which:f~ulc _.a;lfo others ":f goodJ1oie.haue fal.len in~- x.Sam.r. 14 , · to. As Ell (eemg .ll~nnah· long m prayer,,, an'9 hearmg no voyce vwrred , ·charged her with 'dtun.kenricffe...And iobs friends, beholding his:extraordinarie-affi1ctio.ns, conclude t~at he was an e'xtraordinade f1nner. _ ·•· The third caufe hereof, is an iU confcience and guiltineffe 3 An it ,j~ in the iudgers .themfelues. As SaN/ was alwaies fufpitious of ictt.m:c. Dauid,3sthoughhe harl fought his life, becaufe hee hadde.. • ferued euill ac his hands. And,hauingdealc cruelly and craf-· tHy withhitn,fufpctled the like meafure fi·om him. So thofe that haue polluted their own~ foules and bodies with mofl filchie faCts, and are moft vncleane and wicked perfons themfelues, will fooncH mifdeeme the chafHtie of others.• And none are more fufpitious of other mens truth} and fidelide, then they, who haue been the greatefl: deceiuers and defrauders ofothers. Another caufe ofthis, is hy..; pocrifie. Whenofie neuer cxamineth his ovvne life, then h~ 4-.. T-Tyr~~ is moil r~adie tQ ·prie into another mans corifdence: and c:nfie. he that for themoll part fparcs himfelfe,will lay the heauidl: - loade vpon another~ Thus the Scribes :md Pharifies were; diflembling hypocrites, and neuer medled with their owne hearts, eo condemoe any {inne there: And therefore Chri!l and his Difciples could haue no peace by them, but the~ were continually fufpecting and readie to cenfure hardly without any caufe.For ifthey would haue bellowed more time in diligent e·:xamination of their owne foules, they would haue found fo much bufine£fe there, as other men might ha.uc liued quietlyenoughby them. So Saint [ame·~ I?.m.3.t7; faith,chap.3 .17· That trl4e wifldome which u from abeu~, u without iudging.without hJpocrtjie. He lhewes the caufe w_hy the befl meo bee neu«r tbe ratheH iudgcrs, ne 1er fo haflie to paffe fenteoce :vpon other men, beca!JlC they hauing good hearts,and-dd1riog to be ~s good as they fee me to be~ . haue fo much to do in fighting -and HriuingwiLh their owne corruptions, as that th~y hauc 1..10 leafurc to examine other : · · · Y 2 n1cn-..