3.34 . e I ... ~·' mens dealings.)which belong t'lot to them,but would rather .-, reforme the things which be ami1fe in themfdues.So,on the ¥ other fide, obferue an hypocnte, that cares for nothing,but to make a fhcw before m.en; that neuer labours to approue his heart to God, nor flriues againH his owne fecret finnes; you Otall haue him fo nimble and fo quicke in fiftingofo– ther tnen, that hee can fee a fault where n0ne is in them, be– cau{e he cannot fee a fault where it is in himfelfe.They think thac the reafon, why they can fo quickly condemne other men, is, becaufe they are 1nore holie then they, and there.. _ fore take apriuiledge to t~emf~lues,to giue'what verdit they .think good on emery mans a6Hons.But S.lamn fhcweth the true cauf~ indeed,which makes their hearts fo ready to con– cciue amiffe, and to thinke wrongfully ofanother: towit; becaufe theyhad not as y~t learned to think aright ofthem– felues. For hypocrifie al waies breedes rafh iudging andvn. Effe&:s of iudging s:alhly. chrifHan fufpition. _ Thus we fee what be thecaufesofthis euill iudging,_name– Jy,at the l".aH,foolif'hne.ife and vncharitablenetfe ,; or elfean euill confcienceanddeep hypocrifie. And fi·omoneofthefe euill caufes, thefe raili i11rmifes and euill fufpidons doe al.. "''aies fpring. Now the eff<:as are euen as bad. For ifthe heart be thus infeeted,it tnakes one apt arid readie to fpeake and doe euiU. lfone allowhimfelfe eo thinke euilJ,he can– not withhold his tongue from vtrering it,. nor his hands from practifing it,ifocca,!1on ferue.For,\\·hatfoeuer is wnhin the thoughr ,t_hat will lhew it felfe openly)twill bewray it felfe -in the mouth, in thehand,at:td in all the actions•.Asap– peareth in Danit/J enemies, who hauing conceiued an ill o– pinion ofhim,th~t he kept them from hono~r, did nothing -·· ~ r. elfe but pratlife·and lay diuelHhplots, till they had drawne himwithin thecompaHe oHa\.\•_,aod brought him into dan– ger ofdeath. AI this malic~arofe fro,mhence_,that they falfc– ly fufpeeted Daniel eo for flail them of.honour, and to haue kept them from that high plac~, th3r they thought.tbcmfdues as worthie of~and euery way_as fit for,as he. Pft. The vfeofall chis is,that if wee would not be found cul– pablcofthe breachofthis com,mandement,&cranfgr,effion · - againi:t