Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

Lnmrmat.raenrent_... 3Jf -a'gainfl the name and fame ofour bret?ren,the.nmu~:venot , . gm~ our. felues - ~Howa.nce , to concetUe any lll .optmon of tbetn wtthouc a fuffictent warrant and due ground for the fame:For,though the thing be fo indeed,yet it is a finne in vs fo to concciueofit, vnlcffe there be fufficietlt euidence and reafon, tolend vs thereunto•.For, what though it be fo? yet in ma~ter-s ofou-r.neighbbLirs credit, wee mu·ft not take fuch Hghcco', asa fufficient caufe to'mouea fufpicion-: we muHdo as_wewouldbee done by. And ~s we . would not be condemnedqfothers, vpon euc:ry Chewofeuill ~cc~fi?n: fo-l_e~, e.ue~y :t~a.n :io'?:keto himfelfe, · ~hat he bu J.ld not a-n dtconcet:t :1gau1Abts·n<ttghbont v.poo ja__ falfef()un d ation~ Neuer th:inke :Hl cf~ny; tiH hehath defer.-· ued it, andgiuen fufficient caufe thereof.Buryet this muGbe knowneby the way,_ thatthoogh lduewilfnot allow fufp~ : c-ion, yet it doth·n<>t thrufi <n1t i ~ifcrction.•Jlt -i~·~th pot ~afhly, butitiud_get'h iufHy. It is net fo·fharp-efi:gfuted, ast.O fee a tliote where ilone is ; fl·or. fd : p~rhlind; :can,iJif.. cernc a beamewhire it is. Ther·ef.orera4'hnelfe mull be con.: dcmned andauoided: bu~there is an h.oly wifedome to t>ee vfcd;as not to mitdeemewithou·t.fllfficient warrant:fo ·when: there ss.· euidetn ,proof~, ~t1<l plait1ea.ppeara~ce -ofaGra~e, . to . take notice of:ic. Whkh m'y{l be-e: o'b-fetsue~ -- againtl ~nany men, that by thi~ doctrine (and wi'.eflin~ ir, is. e~lill men doe all Scnpture) take occaGon to thruHa.flimontuon outofthe~dootes,and thioke,all tnen·:&euldbe~ ·blind, be- . cauf~ G~d· wi11 'kau(! aU-rrren d1ffrica;ble>Fot fo, -when·they na'ue hrok~n fQrth - op~nly · 'into groffe \~lckedneffe,: andr.aU their lifefuewes the'nl -to l!>e-profane,vng<>·dly,touetous and deceitfull,' and without the-feare· of. God : come now and charge,~h~m: ~hat ~ertainely they~lset·w!~ked_ perfGns~- and haueno true faith nor i'eptn.tant!e§fprof-eildyyouauu haue this ·fidldefence ~: ~oh';~ Oddkn.awes' ~ine : hea~t,_ you .mu-R ·not iud·ge; you tnufl.riot feareh into a' mans heart•.B.ut a To giue ChrHlian mull ittd2e -wifecty; though riot , rafi1ly~ Hee may due r;·. • • AJ . - - _ prooze IS iuqge 'by ·thefrun > ·not by'th~ fap. Ifones wickednes n:) bre~c~ be hidden·, ~nen~ G0d'woutd nothaue imen c~nfure,. BJJtifit ofchautae. bre-ake forth; -nevvout·dhauemen to takeheed, and reproue . 1r 3 , ~ alfo.