:, 'The • 337 were no fparke left to kin-dlecontentJonagaine. Bur a day or two after, theybee as full ofcraft, brawling, and deceitfulndfeas euer before. Then onemay' boldly fay, you hau.e polluted the holy Sacrament; you hauc defiled the _table of the Lord; you came .to it without faith or repentance. Oh, fay they, but you muflnotiudge. Yes, now thecafeis fo cleare that a man may iudge. For certainely,ifone come with repentance to the Sacrament, beefhall gowich repentanceand amendment from theSacrament:and ifone come a good man thither, bee {ball goebet~er thence. For God will alwaies keepe his promife : and if Qne come, as hee commaunrls,. hee 01allfind fuch helpe -and grace again!l h~s fin ne, as that he iliall not.eafily fall into his old courfe, nor returne to his former filthie vomit. Ifhe had fe_d ofthe holy and pure bread oflife,Iefor Chriff, withan heart purged by faith and repentance, hisfweet finpcs wouldhauebeen. bi~:- ter and Ioathfome vnto him. And therefore,though n(>-man mufl Cufpea without good ground, yet an1-an (where there . is iuH caufe)ought to pronounceiutlmdg~ment.Thus much for the firH, which is themofi fecret and inward -breach of, ·this Commandemcnt~ . ~ . . · . Now theoutward followes,which is either without fpe~c.h orwith fpeech. Without fpeech_,eitherbygeRure·or ill~nce. Bygefiure, whenone carries himfelfe difdainefully_ tq his brother, and vfeth fi1ch a kind of behauiour as tends to vili- . fie-; mocke, and difgrace hin1.This was~ fpeci~U fin(1e o,fthe Mockt~gJ . (!O~~!es ofCbrifi Iefos,-T1lat they no,dded th.eir heaq~ a~ ... '. ·; -.him, and made mowes: And thiswas_as great an indignity, · . and doth oft times as much difgra:ce·oqe, p~d make him Pfal.u.1~ contc;mptible in the eyes of the beholders, as if one thould .raile.v.pon him vvitl} odious and flaUnQe~<!\lS fpe~~~~s. Ihi, -i-$ then a wr-ong to a. ma_r1's nam~. : T,h_qug~ •Ulo.ti d'O~:, Jl9t fiau.nder and raile ; yet if~hou vfe ~hy. hand,.~or .~tongl)c)· ~r .head, -or any part ofthy body in fuch a carriage· a~1d ge+ flur.e, as doth tend to mocke thy neighbour, thou finn(fl ;agaip~l his narp~ a~d ~Aimatiop, T.hc; tlex~J ~indJ : is.by_Ji:- silence Jen~e, when ~n~-h9l~~ h~$pea~.e, 't\'PC:~Ji~trh~~&!l~ ¥:~~i~r n1~~\;e .qput flauoge~e~' ~e. fla.nds -~Y.., ~nd c~'~ ·~lUic,of. t.:s owne fp_ea~e fo~, . ~ , . · - · · - oUt neJ;~t• -- , Y 4 knowledge~ hOur! ·