Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

340 · ., ~- ThiwinthCommttndemeni. ~ -filould fpeake an ·.vntruth with defire andpurpofe or doing– good. As theZtphtmJandDfJtgwere greater breakersofthis Commandement, then Rahab that told an vniruth to faue the fpies ~ becaufe her end was good, though lhee failed in tt; but their end was altogether naught and 6nfitll. · - · - · ' 'Y[e. They then are heere to bereproued,thatwill.not (as God : teu.a~·17• commaunds them) tell their neigbour plainely ofhis faulr, and not hate him in their hearts. But_, ifthey know afault by.him,firaight they fet him on the tlage>~akehim knowne to all men, neuer !eaue talking ofir : which 01ewes plaine– ly that in truth they hate their neighbour. For, ifthey would · (as God bias) tell the partie, this ·would hec.le the foule, - and couer his finne, and make him amend. But now ,to clamour in this wife, and raife vp an euill report $Rcl bruite, can doe no good, but much mifchiefe both to .him ,and others. Oh, but I fpeake the truth. Yea, but it is the pre>– pertie qfa foole to fpeake all that hee knowes• ..Awifo "'"" Pro.,,•• 1 • wiOk.!epe it in tillaftern?ard. Let awifeman hearc any. thing, - ·he will confider the time, place, an'd perfon, and temper his · -fpeech in wifedome according to thefe circumflances. B"t ·let a foole once ·get a tale by the end, then ·olit it m·ufl, :he~ · :cannot keepe it in, he trauailes with it till he be deliu~red, whatfoeuer dHhonour come to God, or difcredit to hi$– neighbour, or hurt eo h_is owne foule. Therefore, wee muR not only becarefull that we fpeake no lies or.vntruths; but WC mu{l a}fo looke, that WC fpeakenot the truthvofeafona.":' . .blie,.and afieran ill manner, when it maybrjng more mif– ·Palre re:. chiefe then profit. So.much for that breach. Now followcs port of our.the next, rin fpeaking that which is falfe, either concerning . fclu~s. ·ones owne..felfe .Or another. Concerning h~mfdfe, . firG, in 4boa1ling andbragging,-whichis arnoabafeand loathforq~ ' thing. For bee it that fome goodthin~ bath ~een wrough~ Prou. 21.2. byhiin : yet 'theh0Jy GhoH faith; Let o!/JtrJprilifot~,e~an~ .not; thi1J~ o-·vnt .moutb. And the Apofller~cl•ons thcfe boaQers amongtherabbl~o.fd~tl'JQab_Ie men, who hao-ing n9. - tr~~ ~~attetto .wit~be pr~yfe (ron-s Q .tn~r:S, will get;p-rayfC1?y ~~~-.kmg great tbmgsfor,themfdue$. .So .s~~~~~ wh:ereas.h; ~a~ . r ~~c~