Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

fat1ed th~ King, and all the beG of the cattle, contrari~t! the charge giuen-vnto;him:. doth yet bragge ·to SAmue/,,sam~iJ.tJ . that bee had fulfilled the Word ofthe Lord :.when it .was nothing {o. For,,beehad wickedly tranfgrdfcd the.exprdfe Cornm_aademcnt of God. And as this law is broken by •aine boafting? fo. ~t is likcwlfe by ~effenin~ and excufing thofe faults wh1ch we are charged.wtth,orgutltyof.Where- . in.. S4Nl play.ed his part as in ·the former.For, being re-. proucd and conuiCted for fparing the King_, and, cattle, contraric to the will ofGod : firll hce plcadeth good mea- !'ing, confeffi?g that fome,ofthe beAwere kep.t aliuc, but . Jt was for facnfice and honour to God. But when Samuel. would not be fo fet downe,but vrged himfurther,thatGod.. is more delightedwithobedience tohisWQrd, .thcnwi~hall facrifices: then be falles tO/ another lhifr, and caRes all the, fault on the people: 1feared the people, faithhee ;_. __ as .who. lltould fay, it was their fault, and' none ofmine. l"hU$ ifany credit hadbe to beegotten, he wouldhauehad that tohim... fel fe alone : but now that nothingcomes but flume and. rebuke,he leaues it for the people tb diuidc among them~ felues. ~ And this excufing is a common ~hing amongA aU:men._ -T.bete is not the moH igno·rant and 6tnple. p.eifon.:of the ·fualloweA witte and capacitie, but hee is v.cry and wittie to findean excufe, hee can cafl about and win~e,and, (Q cloake his finne, that hardly cao anyreproofe bee fafl– n~dvpon him-. And men thinke by fo doing to letTetftheir fault:·but intrud~ they doe muchencreafeJr. For theyhaue · by thefe excufes marked thf'tJ1fe_Jues with theb.randof~ypecrifie, and haue made their ra·ultmoreodio,us to God andmen. It is a very ill thing, when one bath w~unded }limfe~fe by finne, togoe to the diueU for amedicine. Hee is the \yorH.phyfidotl ~hlt can,bee·::- and his phyCicke is the worA phyfi~k~.iil"me' world; for he~ will furcly giue thctn Juch apo~i9%1~as ~lmake the01-worfeandnot.better.One m.ay thinke:that ;JiieCe ex~Jufing_s _ bec pl,Hlers, but in truth ~they!beebut poyf~n$ that venome_the foule, a.great deal~ J»9re ~henbefore. . ~- . .. . : . .. 1 ' ./' Thirdly~ I ' '