~~r~.n4~n~te~~~~~. . bemoApeAilent andhurtfull vipers, and thefe Aingandde mifchiefe on euery fide. Thefe peruert fhe Iurers,delude the Iudge,do wrong to thecaufe,put all out oforder,and turne . all vpMde downe, by their falfehood. Thefe- therefore lhali , be the fir(l and greatdl in the punilhment, bccaufe they ~: haue been the firH and greateH in the finne. ~ ·'· , And thi$ God abhorrcs, when menbe fo audacious, and ' fo iniuriau·s,as p.ubHkely to fin ne againfi God,and to chufe rather to plcafe men by lying, then pleafe God by telling the truth; when the falfc loue or feare of man01all do~nore withth~m to make them fin,then the feare and lone ofGod can preuaile to keepe them ft:otn !inning. All thefe do pub. likelyoffend againAthisCommanclernent. .: Now the priuat.eoftence,in this kind,followeth: and that is either invniuLl accuf1ng') or vniuH defending. That vniutl 5-bndcring. accu6ng priuately, is calleti Oandering and back-biting; when one will fpeake ill of his neighbour that is free from that euill. This back-biting is agreat breach ofthis Co:n– mandcrnent, and the back-biter offends in anhigh degree. And the fault is fo much the worfe, bccaufe it alwaies hurts three ·at ohce. Firfl hee wounds the foule of him that recei– ucth the falfe tale; for thereby his heart is poyfonc:d withan . vn~haritable conceit of his brothcr.The fecond {hokelights on the reputationof the partie thus .Oandered, for his name hath a maime it~ the account ofthe hearer. The lafl &worff, andgre:uell: blow he giue$ his owne foule, which he mfeels with flander,and makes his confcience guiltieefalie. Thefe pr~t-}'7,, . three mortall wounds, this lying tongue, like a piercing fword,makes at one time. Indeede hee efcapesbefl,who is ,falfely flandered: for he being innocent,Godwill healehis name,and bring foorth his righteoufi1effeas the Sunne. But the other two wounds are more dangerous, becaufe they light vpon the foule,and are more hard to be cured.) hccaufe they arc: altogether Gnne. ~anes eo Therefore ic fiands euery man vpon to take diligent heed, ~-::~a:~n- th~t he raife vpno vn i~ H report againfl any man. Now the deriilg. beGway to.kccpc: himiclfe from fl~ndering,is to make a coucnant wi th his owne foule, and ~o vow with himfelfc, not to /