I .· 35°. . . ' .. · . . . : . difpofition al(o in our felues, as n1ay -appe·are,Prou.t7·4~ Thewick.;dgi~eth 'hee~e tof~rifo · lipJ;·and 1t lier hlar!{Jn1 tfJ tht n~tughty tongue. Here the ~oly Gho!t chargeth the receiuer ofvniull reports,to be awtcked'perfon,and a1fo a lier. As if , be had faid, He that is glad to heare falfe tales ofother men, isa naughty perfon himfd(, andhathafalfe and an euil hart• For ifhe had nor,he would neuer entertaine and approue of lie.s. And in thePfal~I). :the hply Gho£l fe'ts downe this ,as a difference betwixt an hypocrite that is hollow hearted,and a true and found feruant ofGod; That an vpright man vvill · not receiue a falfe report againHhis neighbour. Manymea· tha·t haue 'no goodnes in themJ.willnot for_their ownecredit fake,and to faue their honeHy·(as we fay) inuent Oaunders'J and bee the 6rARllakers and broachers oflies : but.Jf fome impudent perforis will comeand buzze in their earcs, fon1e edieus tale againfl profetfors, tAey will flrlight imbrace it, it goes for currant,they tell it .as·confidently, as .ifnothing could be .tnore fure, and are as glad ofit,as ifitwere fome -very gainefull and profitable thing vnto them. Thefe men uow;though they will canie the name of noneHie, bee yet wicked perfons; and,as the holy Ghotl counts them, darn– nable.,Reuel.z2.IS· hee faith, that 'Without,are ttOiho.fothAt PnA/q,AnJ lfJNe lies. - , · ' . There be two broodsherementioned, and'as i~ wtire two– littersof thefe monflrous Hers that muAgo·e b.oth to hell. Sotne be fo lhameleife,graceldle,and impudent,andt~edi· uel bath fo farre taken poffeffion in their hearts,as-theyde– light to bee c!)yning lies, and bufte their heads in -i~ut~:. ting and beginning{launders. Others bee :n0t fo rude ·and groffeas that they .will be the authors ofa lie: but ifanother ' man will bring it to them, theyvvill be readie and glad ~o -~ntertai.ne and approue it. It Jhall haue·rheir good,wordan~ l ··k· ' . ' f . ' ' 1 1ng. · - ' ~ . ,· . . . . _ So thehighPriells~and the'tell oftheCouncel wouldnot themfelues inuer)t falfe accufations againll Stephtn. They had not-yetvttcrly ·hardcned ·their faces,_tior qpite caA off all regard oftheir owne ·elHmation, ootwhen: f~lfe accufers had broug.~ta~omplaint, that he had fp(>ken blafphemaus · · ~ words.