IWJ1J'11A.~ ur:TJrzrlll. 35 X worfls againll God, and i'Jojes, they illotl willingly harke– nedvnto it,beingveryglad to take that aduantage to proceed againHhim. , This may iuflly reproue them who are as ready'to rcceiue aOaunder, as the tale-bearer is to inuent ir, ,and thereupon alfo topublHb it to others, without further triall or examination ofche truth. But a4:ike them, whywould you fpeake fo falfe a thing todefame your brother? whydid you fo vniutllydepraue him? This is the anfwere prefcntly; I didnot bring it vp, I am not the firH that fpake ir, I heard it: ic was toldme, and I had reafon to bele~uc it, and I thought it to bc'true. Did you heare ~t? and did you bdeeue it v~1on the bare hearing?.Then youLhcw vv hat y9u are : .fuch ofwhom Salomon fpeakes, A foo!e helteNetbeu:ry,thing. That is~ euery Pro.r.f·'f4 ill thing, for (o it muH bee vndcrflood: elfe ifthe thingbe-e • good, theyof.all men are tnotl hard ofbeleefe. Tell him of ·that which will doe him good, that will faue his foule, and helpehirnagainll'his fin ne, he will not regard ir. Bring reafon vpon reafon,and neuer theneerer,you canbyno meanes ··perfwade him. But bring foolilh ware to a foolc, ft1ch a_s -hurts his owne foule, and his brothers name, and difltonors God~and makes himfdfe a liar; that i~ fit fQr h~m, this bar:. . · gain is made without m.any words,he is yery c2filybrought to credit fuch matters: and why ? Bccaufe hce-is a wicked foole, lies area fit baite for him. Laythefeinhis way, and he 1sptefendy.fakcn. For as thefpid~ofGod>is a fpirit 0ftrurh, ·and they--that haue it,are led into all trmh,and.eafilybrought ·to giue c:are'vnto it: (Q is the.diueH a lying fpirir, hee is the father oflies,and thofe that he pofleffeth,he will make them beleeue euery lie, anddifbtle tuery thingwhich theyought toknow.; andbee perfwadedof:,. to the good of thcmfch.lcs ~nd et hers. · · ·. ·- : 'And therefore this excufewil not' holdout; I was told fo: and howcan I tell but it is true? it maybe it is fojand it tnay be it is not fo.Ifthe gro~ndofy0ur perfwafion be no flron- ,gerJ i~ is a foolHh perfwalion, and fuch as your teflimonie ·ou~ht not to haue reHedvpon. Vetie nature wiH conui.nce ·fuch perfonsofwant ofcharity.For,wouldapy manbecon- . Z 3 tent, ·