. FirAJor the inwar~ ·dutie, here-euery man, is bound to haue acharitable opinionand go<?d co11ceicofhisnt'ighb~r; . witha defir~ ofhis good name and cre~ir. This louipg per.. fwa6on ofthe hean,is contrary to th·c former fufpecting and mifdeeming; For, as fufpition allowed,makes one lieopett to all the linnes that follow.it,both in feekingand receiuing · iU reportes: So this beingobferued,th~to.ur hearts beew~l feafoned,with this charitable <>;pinion,aod defire ofour bro- , , thers credit; we are fure,neither our felues to becom·e fianderers, nor to be tai~ted by' receiuing the venomeaffalfe· flanders..Jr.om other mens mouthcs. Th(rcfore to mound our felues againll other· breachesofthis Cor:nmand~me,nt, . Fittl, get our hearts togiue our neighbours that ~Uowance, which wifedomeandcharity will affoord them. Now, whether o~ehaue this inaine and pri11ciple vertue of this cotn– mandemenr, or rio, it muft be tried: and euery onemay know ~is ~woe'heart bythefe three rules. : . . : Firfl,in doubtful thing~,where the matter is not plaine~ al- Rutesr() , waies take thingi in the bell part. Ifany fenfe canbee found ~ie·~ur af•. better the11 other, let that be had.• If matters be nouoo eui- ,~e;:~::S 1 de.ntly ill,.alwaie.s·a ~care that is cha:itably dif~ofed to his b~~~ci~~d _. . ·llCtghbourscredit, Will feeke the b~flmte.rpretatJOll; and as-uamc.g Jleere as he can;make the bell ofeuery thit1g. . · But ifone can!lrue things in the wotfe fenfe;a~1d wre(l e.. uery thing to fome euil meaning and intent, this man thew- . eth plainely that malice Jurkes in his heart,a·nd that hen,ei- ··ther defires the ellimation qfhis neighbour,.nor carries any · good perfwa:fion o(hirp in his .heart. Therefore PttNl feu Rom. 1• 29 •., . themdowne in the ~niqtt ofmanyother groffe finileis;whith - t•k! ttll things in theWtJrft part: becaufe this is aplaineproofe and tellimonie ofa heart poyfonedwith the gall ofvnchari– _table fufpidon . .Let this be the firfi triall then:When things .._.be vncettain~,,ana will bear~ two ~.onflruelions, take them· ·I ~ ~ft~r theq~ctJl.J~.URtaraplemanner.y9U can. .. ,· . · ,·· , · ...Seq>!ldly~~Jouing theaff.,.. .and goodaffc8ion toanother .m;to;~ credit,will.fhe.w.it felfc iin the tongue,by defending' ~ \him,~nd- takiogh-is 'af~ ifw~e heareany llanders fpokea a- . gainfl him. :F.or,6Ience·is abemyivgofhis;iltJ.Iloccncy. And \ · ' there-