Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

:{)Mf111.fl11E'lt1J"~'I• ~fore ifanother in hatred will r.1ew hi~ m:al~ce, in Cpe3~ · king lies it~ his difgra~e, then wee muft ·n loue opeu our mouth, an d fiH~w our good will by relating r: he tr iuh inhis · defence. Thus lo11ath m knowing Dauid eo be a vertuout · an<;! worthy man ,.and t~llt all d-tofe things were altogether falfe,t?a~ ~~:tulhnagined hir~,and th ;~ t the ki~g w~~nufle-tnfonned,an.d mdie-led by tHck-thankcs: he vvtll not (though it was ro hiS ~fa.ther, and that withdanger ofhis life) hold hi~ tong'Je,but-difcharge ~goodconfdence, and dcclarc.the inn ct:n.decfan innocent, agninfl al y wil come -to ilander him. Therforc this ferues to confute thQfe that will beare men in·hand~ that theybeare a very· good mind~ .and a gteat good ~;vm toprofe fiors and ChrHiiari$, that bee the fcruancs ofGod: but yon fhall ncuer heareaword come from them·,~o defend thcm}though they be in place where they bee railed on, and vniullly nccufed. They thinkc they haue quit themfel-ues well,ifthey can fay thus: I haue been in fu'ch a place, and therewere fu:ch a company ofwicked perfons,that railed at profeflours, ~nd vilified them with all .the indignity they could,and fpa red not eo fpeak intolerable · lies againH fuch,a'nd fuch honcllmcn: Andwhat didyou al this while?Why~furely,I was forrie>but I couldnot helpe'it: I did not ioynewith them, but I euen heldmy tongue, and let them goeon,and fpakc ne.uera word. Did you fay no- ·thing?Youmay fay that with fl1atne enough:What did you there then? But there were mGre noble andmore learneJ, and men that had more authoritie then I~ at the fame time; and what reafon had I ro fpeake before them? They fhou1d _baue fpoken in thedefence ofthofe that wereabufed.Should . they? and did they not ? And why did not you then? .Sup– pofeyour felfc: hadbeen the partie flaundered, what would ·you theA haue done? What? Why I had gopd reafon to– -ipeake in mine ownecaufe,af1d to fland for my felfe. Who would tlandby,.as though he were tongue-tied, andheare his credit trodden vnder foote, andfp~ake neuer awo,rd in · ._ in his own~· defen~e? And haue you fo quickly forgottrtl that·rule andprincipleof nature, To loue yo~r neighbour -35 your felfe, To doe to him as you would b.e done by? - · · Coula