3~6' · The tenthCommandemenl. .: as you w'oiildb~e done by; he tbaU.fee th'at t_hey ~gr~e 11ot with ir.•. : For,~o t)lan ·wo~ld be will{ng;(o_ ha~e another man . conceiue t.h~.J.:C~{l'·ffy,ing. conceitor·thiughc t.hatjrifiginhurt him,t~ough he neuerweilt about toput it in practife: and thereforealfo he mufl be driuen toconfelfe that it is a finne • in him,t~ hatre fuch thoughts towards another. Thirdly, if' . we. cent1der -th~•caufes;it will appeare •how ill they be. They leb I.f·4· ,are fruits oforiginall finne, :and pr_«Yceed.from·n=~nurall cor-– ruption; now, who can draw a·· deane-thing -"out ofrhac wh!ch is vncleane? there i~ not one. W~~ ea~. pull good frutt from offa bad tree? Bemg then etfe.Sts··· of our naturall .pol!ution·,that weteceiuedfrom JAthm (f<>r -~t:~e haa-centi... t1ueclin innoeen.cie,wd~ouldhdue·beet~ p~fe6t1'with~1ita-· - AY. fuch:motion:ofthe hearc) they ~l.re naught~r For.wh.atfoc– uer comes from fin,.is fin.La(Uy,ifthe fruits hcreofbee.mar.– ked, thcy{hall appeare eobecuill. - S./am,,;~~t4Jetsdown.e· the .effe.~ts ofrhefe eu~U thoughts .and. nl&tions. ~- EHtrJmAn· (f.aith.he)iJ t£mptd,wlrren;be ..t; drawn~4W4) /Jy·h~ 'f!'Wne csncH:. pi{ce.nceA~·i& imw:ed~ .Thus·He,fhlewes;that-le·t one -makl!' a~ littleaccount ·ofihefe .thoughts as he pleafe, and think them fmaiJ'·matters,; yettth:e:worke·that th~y dpe is not fmall. For they draw away theheart from yprefence. ofGo~.Andt~ey .,~~<~U it1taoglelt~~1mindwitlrlletireotvaine &hurtful th~n~s.An~ }-vne~ wcraire-b.akaa~yfti<D}nl 'noly meditations;ofGod:,,to Jlearkento themotion$ ·oflufl~ the quicklyweyeel~ ·inward– co.nfent;atJd:fo f~llto OUtVvard-prafrife ofaetua_INin:_ne~ .: .··.r::wn ~n~W~ith if:it :-hee not-!laied.amd .healedintimc.byrc·pen• t\lnle~$~s:i~ jiJLUy;.ddfer.ueth;.ic br.ingeth;e~eda.flitlg_act1th~- So· that,thef:efic.H luGsa·re li~e aHtide tp.arke offite,ligntirig:.vp\.;.. on tinder or toW, whichifthey be not qu.ickly qu_eched,wil grow to a,gre.at flame! s·o is the danger great that comes from eueryoneofthefe 1 .tbat we fo little regard._ ·F?r tl1erc-1s b~t t.h~ l~ _ofthcm,but it hardeas theh'irf1andWith·drawes it-fro-mGod,and tnakes it triore vnfit to· prayor heare,or dtc>! . any thingthatisg.ood, butmore ~prone ·to, be draW1leto atfY euUI.And.therforo it isnot flightl ytobepa(fed ouer.So tliat~ becaufe th.efe lutles brcake Gods commaundement; Gnd ~· ~~~3'intl tb~· lJlW.df~ha~iey~i anioomefro~Rta.n - euM·fcauf~d· , ... •· , an