368 The · Comm4ntlemtnl. . fore it is, that many are fo troubled with ill motions, and continuall.boyling gfill thoughts, becaufe the heart is not bufied and taken vp with fome good thing.For ifgrace ceafe working, corruption will firaight bedoing. Thus much for this point,that the firfl motions arifing from odginaU finne-, are tobecondemned.For,ifthe confentingbeeuill,thecon– ceiuing cannot be good : ifthe proceeding be wicked, the beginning is ofthe: fame nature. . · Hosfo J The houfe is put in the lirAplace-, not becaufe it is more deare and neere then the wife; but becaufc this iniury in defir.ing the houfe, extendeth it fdfe to the husband, to the wife, to the.children and feruants :yea, to the beaHs alfo Sinnehthe and cattell. Euery Ol'le hath a part in it. The hurt ther.eof is more urt. . IJ h f h 11 h r . • I d . h full, the mere genera , t . en o t eren : t ere1ore It Js p ace . 1n t e mb~dam· firH place. In that this breach is fet in the firH place, becaufe ~a • i~ is hurtfull tQme.re ; we learne that thofe Gnnes which are ji1iurious to many men, are mofi hurtfuH to ones felfe, and moll hated ofGod. And forthis caufe.,couetingother mens houfes is fet in the firH ranke, and in the·chiefeplaceofit: as Efay1.8. that which is moll tobeabhorred. So;inE(ay, theLord pro- . nounceth anefpcdall wo andcurfeagaint\ thofe,that.ioyne . . . no·ufe to houfe; that they m·ay dwdl alonein the land. And· Ioh 20,J·~·1n Jo6, he .lhewes,thecurfc~nd vengeanceofGodh due vnro thofe, which are fpoylers ofhoufcs. He·pHlddowilehoufo$– which he built no~. It were~ foule feltllt fo.t• 01le tO begin well ·and end ill, ' to .build ho.ufes for.the .harbour ahd .h.e1pc of mankind at the ··fidrrand after to' ddltoy ~nd pull downe =-thcife which lle~iath b:UHt; But whcn'he finds thing~ in good lflate, and there was rodme enough for his neigl-lbours eo (dwell by hir:n; beforche'~ame; th'en for hi·m to pull dow~'tt houfes, and toV!JpeopJe thelan.~ and ,w_a~ethecountrie, is !3'mo!l honibl~and indign~ ·thir1g,; ·£u~H·a,s for -which God ~:.-~~·20· ,prouided' a.condign~put~Hhmenr. !Fhe 1 tefore ~od threha?- 1lcth:that hee·wH.l"caufe hi~sd1erce·:. wnit 1 to tatne .vpon 1~ ;Jl'icate:, an(J:ttJakeJiiin YOi:lltt hii (weete•morfcJs, .and the 1 ar– ftf)w~s ofhis vengea.nce:fl'l.alhpearce him;through. Sa!r/msn • alfofhew~s wharkindu£people theyhe:e'fo.r theCommon.. ·Wtahlu.Portht}i'arcrreatiie-'to-excufe·themfeiuts s -Thae they • -_ ·. ~} t: :. • deale · ..